Housing selection question, 2013 Freshman

<p>Good morning, our son decided on attending The University of Alabama months ago. We quickly paid his both his tuition and housing deposit. At the time we paid the housing deposit, it did not give an option to chose housing as it was too early. He still has received no information on specific housing selections and we’re getting a bit nervous. He very much wants to end up in one of the 4 bedroom honors housing units. Has more information come out and we’ve somehow missed it? Thanks.</p>

<p>I don’t know the schedule for frosh selection, but you haven’t missed it. It will be in 2013. Hopefully, someone will post the dates when selection begins.</p>

<p>If you deposited awhile ago, your son will have an early pick date, so will surely get an honors suite.</p>

<p>Thanks Mom2collegekids…:slight_smile: We submitted his deposit Nov. 12, is that considered early? Btw, do you know, is all the honors housing next year being consolidated in Rivercrest?</p>

<p>He’s been looking around on the roommate finder sites, but so far, has not met anyone he’s dying to room with. Quite frankly, he’s thinking about just taking whoever is assigned to him. He’s a pretty easy going kid, gets along with just about everyone. Between his personality and the fact that they’ll have separate bedrooms, that seems like an ok idea. What do you think?</p>

<p>Yes, that’s considered as being pretty early.</p>

<p>All of Ridgecrest South is honors. I think all of Ridgecrest East and West will be honors as well. </p>

<p>For finding roommates, it is a bit early. Many kids find them on the Facebook page for next year’s frosh class.</p>

<p>thanks so much. I saw your private message, and tried to respond, but I think the 15+ thing is still stopping me…did you get my response?</p>

<p>txduola - My son got into honors, I put down the deposit 11/28 he’s hasn’t decided for sure on UA. Anyway he sounds like your son and is probably going to go the who ever route even if he ends up in Blount with a roommate. I think as long he doesn’t end up with a roommate who is a partier he will be fine. I wonder if girls do the roomate finder thing more than guys.</p>

<p>MichiganGeorgia, do you mind if I ask, what’s the story behind your screen name? We are southerners (Texas and Florida), raising our boys in Illinois. Seems you have a north/south tie too.</p>

<p>txduola - I am from Michigan. My husband and I moved to the Chicago area to find jobs, our kids were all born in Illinois, we ended up moving to Georgia about 10 years ago because of my husband’s job. I keep hoping some day we will be able to afford a cabin up in Michigan to use in the summer.:)</p>

<p>I’m a native Texan (2nd generation UT), husband a native Floridian (FSU undergrad, GA law school), we are in Illinois for his work. We will retire in Texas. Seems our families have swapped sides on the mason/dixon line!</p>

<p>P.S. My father-in-law is a huge Florida supporter. Football season has always been nuts around our home, now the boy is throwing Bama into the mix. Upside is, between Texas, Georgia, FSU, Florida and Bama, we’re almost guaranteed to have at least one good team every year…:)</p>

<p>p.s. coastal Michigan is really beautiful, we have friends with a home in New Buffalo, have spent time in Traverse City, really quite a beautiful stqte!</p>

<p>Txdoula - my son is a current frosh engineering student at UA. We live in the far north IL burbs. Feel free to PM if you have any questions. Also we have a small parents Facebook group you are welcome to join if you like. </p>

<p>As far as finding roommates goes, I would caution him to put at least a little effort in the process. For the most part he should be fine, but there have been one or two stories on this board about kids going random and those other kids not having quite the same cleanliness (think puke in the bathroom) standards. Probably best to err on the side of caution and find compatible roomies if only for the smoking/drinking aspects.</p>