Housing suggestions, Raleigh?

<p>Son, new grad, taking a one year lab job on NCSU campus. Suggestions for areas to live in, building recommendations?</p>

<p>Congrats on the job for him. Sorry, I’m in a different part of NC. Generally, as long as he stays relatively close to campus, he’ll be fine. Durham has some sketchy places, though…</p>

<p>Will he have a car that he needs to park or garage…or will he need to depend on public transport?</p>

<p>google “apartments near NCSU” There are a lot of options depending on what you’re looking for. <a href=“http://www.ncsuliving.com%5B/url%5D”>www.ncsuliving.com</a></p>

<p>The places closer to campus are generally older w/out many amenities but great convenience. The newer places further out have pools.weight rooms, etc but a longer commute and sometimes parking issues…but since your S will be an employee and not a student parking shouldn’t be a prob.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses. No car. Definitely wants to live in 2-3 mile range of campus. Prefers an “older crowd” (post grad, he’s 23) and quiet is ok. Clean freak. Either studio/1 BR or share.</p>

<p>Any specific building recs? Any favorite/least favorite areas within few miles of campus from point of view of safety, nightlife, convenience, …? Thanks.</p>