<p>Can someone tell me how good a triple in Sunset Village is for a freshman?
Is it far from the center of campus? anddd are there a lot of freshman in the same building?</p>
<p>thank you!!</p>
<p>Can someone tell me how good a triple in Sunset Village is for a freshman?
Is it far from the center of campus? anddd are there a lot of freshman in the same building?</p>
<p>thank you!!</p>
<p>It's decent; some parts are more social than others. As for the number of freshman, it depends heavily on what Sunset building and house you're in. I have a feeling that first years are a minority where I live. It's about as far from campus as Rieber, but not too far uphill.</p>
<p>Be sure to check out this</a> thread. It answers quite a few questions like these.</p>
<p>oh man i've talked about sunset village so many times now, haha. </p>
<p>-which building in sunset village are you living in? each one is different</p>
<p>^^^specific dorms haven't been released...people only know the location (eg De Neve, Sunset, etc), unless you're in a hall (eg Dykstra).</p>
<p>ah i see, my bad :P. then it's hard to say because again, each one is different</p>
<p>Slight hijack, how is Canyon Point different from Courtside?</p>
<p>Well the major difference between Canyon Point and Courtside is how it's structured.</p>
<p>Courtside: 3 floors, lounge on 2nd floor, own bathrooms, all 8 "houses" are connected in a rectangle so the court is in the middle. I really like the lounges btw cuz they're huge and great to study in. </p>
<p>Pros: Being on the 2nd floor is best since people go there for the lounge. And you can meet people from 3rd floor cuz they have to come down the stairs. It's also really convenient to meet people from different houses (C1-C8).</p>
<p>Cons: The walls are really ugly (gray). No one really comes to courtside; it's kinda out of the way.</p>
<p>Canyon Point: Made up of 8 separate houses so they aren't all connected. Also I do believe that the rooms are actually suite-like so you have suitemates (another connected room) and share a bathroom with them. I could be wrong because I haven't been there in a while... </p>
<p>Anyways, I lived in Courtside my freshman year and it was great :). I really had the freedom to choose my social time and my studying time.</p>
<p>Canyon Point has both private and shared baths.</p>
<p>i stand corrected!</p>
<p>so do you think its a good thing that i got assigned to sunset?
i heard it wasn't that social. i also heard that it had bigger rooms than other types of housing. Do you think i should try switching to a hall? I want to be able to meet a lot of new people. How are communal bathrooms?</p>
<p>Thank you so much!</p>
<p>you will probably meet a lot more social people in res halls. however, like every dorm building, there are a good share of social people everywhere. i actually made a good amount of friends during orientation and still hung out with them when school started. since a lot of them lived in res halls, i was able to hang around rieber/hedrick a lot and meet people there as well.</p>
<p>i really can't decide for you whether you should try switching or not because i don't know what your priorities are. however, you will NOT be socially doomed living at sunset. seriously, haha.</p>
<p>and i don't know much about communal bathrooms since i haven't lived in a res hall.</p>
<p>I live in Courtside, and its pretty quiet pretty much all the time. Its really good if you are worried about being able to concentrate and study. It is not "social" as some of you might be imagining it. Nevertheless, the people on my floor and in my house in general are social people in that if you make the effort you can easily make friends here.
If you are a social person, it should be no problem living in Courtside (and SV?). However, if you are shy, or reserved, then Sunset Village will only foster your introversion. I know some introverted people who wanted to get out of their cowl, and signed up for the res halls... most of them are pretty happy, and the "in your face" kind of social aspect of the res halls has really helped them out. But then again, res halls don't go too well at all sometimes with some people...
So I'd say that SV has a pretty good balance of everything.</p>
<p>sorry hibiscuspink
but what's a c.a.r?
lols i feel really stupid</p>
<p>C.A.R. I think stands for Change of Assignment Request, basically asking for a different housing offer.</p>