Housing Troubles

<p>My girlfriend and I are entering freshman who both applied for Honors housing hoping to get into the same dorm. Unfortunately, she made it into our first choice, Posada San Pedro while I was placed into our second choice, Yuma. Since I know transfering to PSP would be next to impossible, she wants to transfer over to Yuma with me. Besides filling out the paperwork and crossing our fingers, is there any way to help her transfer to Yuma go through? I’m sure there are quite a few girls who would trade her spots, but is there anyway to accomplish this sort of trade? Please help me if you know of any way I can be together with her…</p>

<p>That's really strange, because my best friend requested a dorm with one of her good friends, and one got Yavapai, and the other got another starting with G...One is honors, the other isn't. I also had another good friend, who applied in November, who didn't get any of her first 5 choices. Lots of scrounging for housing this year I guess. </p>

<p>So, there is a way to request to switch dorms? Because I would love to relay that to her if you could tell me. Thanks!</p>

<p>If she logs on to her housing page at <a href="http://www.life.arizona.edu%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.life.arizona.edu&lt;/a>, there are links there telling how to request reassignment. She can download the form and send it in. It also was included in the "Transitions" guide she should have received-- it's a yellow paper and was in the back pocket of the cover, along with immunization record forms. My son requested a reassignment when he found someone he wanted to room with, and they were assigned to Yuma-- their second choice. It took about a month for the reassignment to go through. If it doesn't work out and they can't reassign, there is nothing to lose, as I believe you keep your prior assignment.</p>