Housing UT Austin Campus

What on campus dorms are the closest to the Cockrell School of Engineering or best for engineering students? Thanks

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would love to hear some thoughts about UT Austin housing for freshmen.
choose dorm or off-campus private dorms? seems like a lot of out of state kids go for Castilian or Callaway. There is also the Scottish Rites Dorm and Hardin House for girls but they seem to be booked up years in advance.

Are you looking for housing for a girl? If so, is she planning to rush? Hardin House is traditionally the dorm girls who are rushing choose. SRD will have a mixture of girls who are rushing and those who are not. In my opinion, SRD is a better choice in case recruitment does not work out for your girl. Callaway is a great option as a backup. You might get a spot off the waiting list as people make other school choices.

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yes, a girl. she will probably be rushing, although I’m not thrilled with the idea of her being in a dorm that is nearly all Greek. last I checked the waiting lists at SRD and Hardin were VERY long.

There are some great sororities at UT. Most are pretty strict about studying and GPA. They also have a lot of insight into professors, tips for particular classes, and so forth. So do not worry about all the stories… I would rather a sorority than fraternity. Lol

Is anyone looking to sublease an apartment on west campus for the spring semester?

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