<p>My DS just found out today he has been accepted to UCF for the Fall 2009 semester. His grades are very borderline for the honors program. He has a 28 on the ACT and a 4.3 weighted GPA. I read online that housing for fall 2009 will begin on Thursday (Dec 4). Should he apply for housing and honors housing at the same time? This maybe a dumb question but I have been told that if you wait too long even Freshmen will not have a space on campus. At the same time if we wait for acceptance in the honors program I'm afraid all spaces in honors housing will be filled.</p>
<p>You can only apply for honors housing after you’ve been accepted to the honors college. Once you’ve been accepted, the housing office activates the special honors housing selection on your application.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. Therefore we will go ahead and submit an application for regular housing this week. Does anyone know when the honors program typically fills up?</p>
<p>I’m not sure if I would do that. If you do, you would have to pay a cancellation fee (I think $250) if you are accepted to honors and move your reservation to Tower III. Regular housing doesn’t fill up that quickly, so don’t worry about it. Just be sure to get your honors decision as soon as possible so you know what you need to do.</p>
<p>It’s rolling, so even if it isn’t filled up, the later you apply, the harder it is to get accepted. They never really “fill up” at a certain point, but they become much more conservative with whom they accept by mid-February and March.</p>
<p>I can’t say when exactly the program fills up, but I do know that they converted all of Tower III for honors this year. Last year when my s started at UCF, he was in the honors housing of Towers III, but it wasn’t entirely set aside for honors. This year, I believe, all of Towers III was set aside for honors, and there still was a waiting list. My s moved to Towers IV this year as they picked up a new roommate (one original honors roommate left the university … uh, he flunked out, LOL) who wasn’t in the honors program. So, S and his other two roommates agreed to live in a differnet Tower so that this other kid might room with them. Frankly, S doesn’t see any difference between the Towers in terms of noticing he’s not in an honors dorm any longer. Well, that’s not quite true … my s, who’s a pretty big kid, feels quite small in the elevator when riding up with some of the football players. :-)</p>
<p>We’re trying to figure out how to handle our d, actually. She’s been accepted to UCF and Burnett. And, if she goes to UCF she wants to live in Tower III, too. But she’s still waiting on UF notification and final scholarship rounds at GaTech before she can compare all her options. So we’re going back and forth about the whole housing situation. I hate being out money … LOL</p>
<p>I’m not going to lie, if you’re on the line about honors housing for money issues… don’t do it.</p>
<p>There’s a ton of honors kids that live in Libra and the Academic Village, no matter where your kids go they’ll have honors friends. I’m honors and I live in Libra and my friends all live in Tower III… and yet they always seem to migrate over here for hanging out purposes.</p>
Nope, not on the line about money issues, just don’t want to put down a bunch of non-refundable deposits for schools she may not go to … thus the juggling act. <g></g></p>
<p>I can only speak about last year. My daughter applied and paid the deposit for housing sometime in the Spring. She actually did not apply for the Honor’s housing till much later, close to May, and she got into Towers III.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t stress too much at this point. You are probably okay waiting until after the UF admissions decisions come out. That is what we did, and it worked out fine.</p>
<p>Actually, there are still non-honors students living in Tower III. I think each floor is either honors or non-honors. With the recent rise in demand though, I can see that ending soon.</p>
<p>Actually, if I remember correctly, you need to go ahead and pay your $250 housing deposit. After acceptance to the Honors College, they will send you a form that you fill out and return if you want Honors Housing. Around March is when you specify online which dorm you want to be in, and also if you have a specific roommate request. There is not a separate deposit for Honors Housing, you will need to apply now for regular housing, then specify later. Hope this helps and makes sense. My D is in Honors and lives in Tower III. She is very happy:)</p>