
<p>which is the best for honors housing? im looking for a place that’s cheap (most 4 room dorms) and close to everything. i would appreciate a quiet place with limited distractions. thanks!</p>

<p>I believe all of the honors dorms are quiet. What is your major? Perhaps you would like a dorm near your classes. When do you choose your dorm?</p>

<p>All the 4 room honors housing costs the same.</p>

<p>I think Riverside and Lakeside honors are the quietest dorms. :)</p>

<p>I would try Riverside West or East…quiet and closer to your classes…you’re Comp Sci, right?</p>

<p>thank you! any more suggestions?.. :)</p>

<p>Riverside North - D had to miss a football game last fall to study and she said it was so quiet in her suite that you wouldn’t have known it was a game day.</p>

<p>Are you coming to Bama for sure, Siglio??</p>

<p>I think it varies suite to suite and floor to floor. For all the talk about Nerf wars and such at RW, DS is on floor 3 and had not been aware of any of it. With the private rooms in the suites I don’t really think chaos is that much of an issue.</p>

<p>^^^Even though the boys do Nerf wars, do not want to give the impression that fourth floor Riverside is a wild place. Seriously quiet up there. I think the Nerf wars are done inside the suite and only on occasion. Most of the time, the boys are working on physics and calculus and other fun stuff. My point with the Nerf wars was that that was their only “vice”. Husband and I have “popped in” a few times this year, and are always surprised at how quiet the dorm is. It’s also nice to not smell marijuana and vomit, things you would associate with most freshman college dorms, at least back when husband and I were in college.</p>

<p>ahhh… I love the fresh smell of pot and puke in the morning…</p>

<p>LOL-Thanks AL34, I needed a good laugh this morning!</p>

<p>montegut - eeeeewwww!</p>

<p>Montegut and I obviously attended college during the same era, LOL. Ah, those were the days…</p>

<p>^ and just look how good we turned out! :)</p>

<p>^ LOL!!</p>


As soon as I read that I could smell it again lol Lady and montegut - we are all showing our common age! </p>

<p>We pick tonight so I’m a bit nervous today. I think there is no way he can pull in roommates this late but it remains to be seen.</p>

<p>Thanks for the laugh. And by the way - he thought the Nerf wars were great.</p>

<p>I guess I missed out on all the ‘fun’ stuff as I smelled shoe polish and brasso on Saturday mornings…</p>

<p>Not much pot in the barracks and if it was there it was well hidden…</p>

<p>This may have been mentioned in earlier posts but if you are seeking a quieter room, select one FARTHEST from the common room. The first two years my son was in Riverside North then Riverside East, there was not a TV in the common room shared by all. Talk about a ghost town, the dorm and suite were always quiet. This year the four guys agreed to pitch in and share the cost of a large flat screen TV. I think each guy contributed less than $120 and went to Best Buy to select the TV they all agreed on. It will be interesting to see how they decide who gets the TV at the end of the semester. Who ever wants the TV will have to pay the other three suite mates. The amount is yet to be determined. I guess the point I am trying to make is, if there will be a TV in the front room, the bedroom closest to the TV WILL BE NOISIER.</p>

<p>Just had my choosing time, quickly grabbed 1 of the only 2 RSN rooms. But it says bedspace description: RA-roomate. Does this mean an RA would be one of the roommates? I thought they had their own rooms, but I’m clueless. Anyone know what else that could mean?</p>

<p>I went ahead and changed to RW, I noticed all of the others said single instead of RA-roomate. So something had to be different</p>

im still not 100% sure if im going to UA…i certainly hope i am though :)</p>

<p>In the super suite dorms, RAs have their own bedrooms, but share a suite with other students. When interviewing for an RA position, candidates are asked if they are willing to have roommates should they be placed in an apartment or super suite dorm.</p>

<p>Not necessarily a bad thing, you sure wouldn’t miss any of the important dorm info - check in/out, activities etc… would almost guarantee a clean and social suite :)</p>