
I know there has been some good info on housing for incoming freshman but for us late enrollee’s, is it better to assume there will be no realistic shot at honors housing ( or a good chance to get pulled in) and just concentrate on finding a roommate for traditional housing?


If I were you, I’d lay more focus on finding suitable roommates rather than on searching for those with Honors housing. I think you’d be happier with better roommates.

If you can find a suitable roommate who can pull you into honors, then do so

Are you able to create a profile on the UA housing site?

If so, you should be able to read other people’s profiles and perhaps email one who sounds like a good fit. Simply explain to them at the outset that you will not have a good housing pick and will likely need to be pulled in.

My DS pulled in all 3 of his roommates last year - I don’t believe any of them paid their deposits early and would likely have been in Pady otherwise (which I hear is not so bad by the way - paradoxically more social in the traditional halls they say than in the suites).

My DS had only met one of the other 3 roommates at an on campus event before the roommate lottery - the rest he contacted because they sounded cool - and they all were. So don’t give up hope.

Yes. S has found some matches so we’ll see. Thanks for the help u 3!