
I am super excited to have found 3 roommates for honors dorms. I have the first day (of four) for housing, but my roommates all have the third day. Will there be enough spots in the dorms for us to all end up together? We want to wait till the third day so both pairs can choose the same room. Are there enough desirable ridgecrest west dorms?

It’s hard to know how things will play out this year, because in the past a person could pull in three roommates and this year only one person can be pulled in. My daughter went through housing selection a number of years ago and there were no “complete” suites (meaning all four rooms open) available in RCW after the first night. It could be totally different this year, though - her experience was several years ago under a different system. I would definitely have a backup plan ready, though.

I highly doubt you’ll find an open suite on Day 3. You might be lucky just to find a single room in a suite style dorm, really.

My daughter who entered in 2015 had one roomie who had the very first selection time on the first day. She found them an open suite in RCE (they were open to any of the RC, but preferred RCE) . . . but there were very few totally open ones, and they got one on the first floor (which was their last choice). And that was the FIRST slot on the FIRST day. Two years ago. . .

My son is entering as a freshman in this class (with you), and I knew well enough to make sure we paid his deposit the minute housing opened, so he has the first slot on the first day. He has one roommate he has matched with, and my son will pick them two rooms in a nice suite in RCE . . .

This is the first year that you can’t have a whole suite “pulled in” by the first in the group . . . So, none of us can really know how this will work . . .You might get lucky, but I really doubt you’d get THAT lucky.

My guess would be that there will be zero empty suites in honors halls on Day 3. Folks who have a “pair” (like my son and his roommate), will pick the two best rooms in an empty suite . . . and that’ll continue until all the best rooms are gone in all the suites. . . Leaving the later pairs and singles to fill in the remaining 1-2 rooms in each suite.

The only way I could imagine having much hope of getting a full suite would be to have TWO of you with very early selection times/days who can then pull in the others. . . and coordinating that all in real time . . .

If I were you, I’d pick whichever of the 3 girls you really want to room with, and, after talking to the girls about the reality of the situation and reaching agreement, pull that one in on Day 1 . . . Then the other two can room together (hopefully) in a suite on Day 3 . . . You could try/hope to be in the same dorm/wing, but that’d be a crap shoot with the others not picking until Day 3.

My dd and her friend have times 1/2 hr apart on the second day. They will each be trying to pull in one of their other quad-mates. They hope for Pres but have already been advised that the chance of an empty suite being available in Pres by the second day is doubtful. This year’s selection is going to be very interesting. By the third day…who knows??? Make sure you are all ok with being perhaps just in the same building or floor, or maybe not even that.

I’d say they need to pair up, two and two…yes try to get all four together but realize that they may have to split up.

You pull in 1 roommate on 1st day, and then you all could go in and alter your housing profiles to make yourselves look downright unappealing, and maybe others looking at that suite won’t take those room spots based on those profiles…and then the other pair chooses the other 2 rooms on day 3. Just a thought! :-/

@aeromom LOLOLOL

@aeromom - the downright unappealing fake profile may end up with some genuinely unappealing roommates who think it is cool to find a mess of a roommate who is up all night, good with smoking in the rooms/drugs, etc… I would worry that some hot mess kids might feel like they found “their people” in a bad profile.

How does the whole process work? My DS has the first time slot first day. He has a roommate already selected (who does not have a good day/time slot). Will he choose a dorm/floor/suite and actual rooms (say A & B in the suite) for both of them or does the roommate need to go in and choose his own room during his time slot? How do the other suite mates get selected? Does Alabama (or other students) fill the suites based on profiles or just randomly select? I ask because my DS is dead set on having non-smokers in his suite. Obviously he and his roommate had that in their profile, but if the other 2 are just random, how can he be guaranteed that the other 1/2 of the suite are good matches?

Your son will choose an actual room in a suite and then pull his roommate in to another actual room in the suite. The roommate will not need to choose. Beyond the two rooms that your son can choose, he will have no control over who is in the suite. Most likely other boys will choose the other two rooms in the suite, although if one or both of those rooms are not chosen during room selection, then Housing will assign someone.There is no guarantee that the other two boys in the suite will be good matches. For that matter, there’s no guarantee that the roommate your son has chosen will be a good match. They should be sure to spend some time on a “roommate contract” once they move in to make sure they’re on the same page with respect to important issues.