
<p>Ok I’ve gotten into U of A but I haven’t committed or applied for housing yet. So my question is, are most of the nice dorms filled already or do I still have a shot to get into one of the better dorms(Villa del Puente, Apache Santa Cruz, Sonora)???</p>

<p>they havent sent out the housing contracts yet...but my guess is the best dorms are probably full by now. but it doesnt hurt to apply...but do it as soon as possible.</p>

<p>Just list the dorms you are interested in your order of preference. You may be pleasantly surprised. Since it is still January, there should be room in some of the best ones. But do get your application in as soon as possible.<br>
Some of the early apps may yet decided to go elsewhere, so there will be openings in even the best dorms before the contracts go out.</p>

<p>what are considered the best dorms. I was gona put my top 4 down as </p>

<p>Villa Del Puente
La Paz
Puelbo De La Cienga</p>

<p>Coronado is has a rep as a party dorm. My Daughter is a RA she calls it scorenado, it has the highest MIP rate too. Other party dorms are AZ-SO and Navajo-Pinal.</p>

<p>you might want to put Manazi-Mo or Kaib-Huach.</p>

<p>haha i would have to disagree with Navajo-Pinal (Stadium) being a party dorm... i just stayed there for like 4 days and they are strict about noise and such</p>

<p>these were my choices and i was pretty happy with them...</p>






<p>I already recieved my housing assignment and i got coronado,and it was my 5th choice after all the new ones....almost 0% chance you get one of the newer ones(la paz,puente,ciegna) if you apply now,i did back in janurary and got my 5th choice</p>

<p>suuucks i wonder when ill get my assignment</p>

<p>i applied the first day the housing application came out and i got my first choice - Villa de Puente!</p>

<p>wow so im pretty much screwed for getting any of the newer ones...which was all my choices</p>

<p>There will be some changes in housing availability after May 1. Lots of people sign up for housing before all of their acceptances are in and then choose to go to a different school ultimately. Don't despair. Good spots will open up.</p>

<p>Son has applied to the Honors dorms. We hope there is still room there</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm probably screwed on getting the dorms I want, too.</p>

<p>I have a housing question for anyone out there that goes to UA. Which dorms are most non-party/quietest dorms??? I've also heard from people that Coronado and AZ/Sonora are real party dorms... and I'd want to stay away from that. And which dorms are the closest and farthest to most classes?</p>

la paz

<p>haha dammit ... i got navajo/pinal = STADIUM</p>

<p>i stayed in this dorm for like 4 days a couple weeks ago... it's not the nicest but whatever, it could be fun</p>

<p>if im in the honors program, can i switch to the honors dorms "slash" what are they called?</p>

<p>I am in the honors program and I thought that dorming in regular housing would be better. Any thoughts? Here was my reasoning:</p>

<p>I want to have a normal college experience
The Library will be quiet enough
I don't want to feel elevated from the normal kid there, and in most cases I don't even want people to know I'm in the honors college</p>

<p>The honor Dorms are full then if you had put them down as one of your choices. </p>

<p>My D is a honor student and she has never been asked if she was an honors student by her peers. No one cares in college, they only care if you get good grades.</p>

<p>Some things to consider, go to bear down camp. It is great way to meet people before school starts. Also they will tell you about different services, places to go and money mangement. Get your Zona Zoo pass you get in to all the football games and you can then buy student tickets for the basketball team. After the fall term, make sure you look at the professors who teach the classes you sign up for on student link, the student feed back surveys are posted. This will help you pick your classes. They will explain this at bear down camp.</p>

<p>You will only take 1 class a semester in the honors college and having a quieter dorm can be a good thing so you can go out to parties and come back to a quieter place. You will meet a lot of friends in your 4 non-honors classes as well . And no one will know or care that you are in the honors college except maybe a professor who needs someone to help him do research.</p>

<p>Son Applied on March 4th for housing in Honors and when he called on Friday last week he was told all honors housing is full. In fact his first 5 choices were all full. However when he does get his dorm assignment, and there is still room, to request reassignment and see how many cancellations they have as students pick other colleges. They think he has a decent shot of getting one of his top 5.</p>