
<p>Son got his acceptance last week. We have started to look at housing options. Does anyone have insight into the different dorms, learning communities, etc?</p>

<p>The "super block" dorms are considered the "party dorms".</p>

<p>Well to make this a little easier, what college are you going into?</p>

<p>Son will be at the College of Liberal Arts. Economics or global studies or both.</p>

<p>Do you think he will be in honors? The people in admissions told me that 95% of the honors kids live in the honors dorm which is Middlebrook Hall on the west bank. D has sent in housing reservation form to Middlebrook thinking that she might be in honors. Another girl from our town lives there (although not in honors) and she really likes it. It is also close to the social science classrooms.</p>

<p>Denquist, what are the requirments for the honors program at Minnesota? My son seems to be just on the edge everywhere - gpa of 3.69 at a tough Wisconsin prep school with an ACT of 34. Average EC's, but works 15-20 hours per week. In any case, he's a pretty intellectual kid so Middlebrook might be the right place. His is also easily 'distracted', so staying away from the 'party' dorms is probably a good idea, although I'm certain that you can find a party anywhere if you look. </p>

<p>We're not sure if Minnesota is the right place for him yet, but I understand that it is a good idea to apply for housing now.</p>

<p>I don't think there are listed requirements, I think they see who applies and take a percentage off the top. If you look at some of the prior posts you can see what kinds of numbers got kids into the honors program. Even if he doesn't end up getting into honors, there is also non-honors housing in Middlebrook . My D is interested in Globalal Studies too!</p>