How about a separate political forum?

Perhaps as a second sub-forum under the Parents Forum?

That is my suggestion for a title.

The Moderating Team does have the issue of the political threads under discussion. A separate political forum is one possibility that is being considered. I have no idea when or in what manner this issue will be resolved.

Meanwhile, congratulations and appreciation are due to the posters who have managed to keep the expression of their political opinions nicely within the TOS – and to those who *have *gone over the line, PLEASE endeavor to be more restrained and courteous. Warnings, infractions and Timeouts are tools we would *rather *use sparingly. “A word to the wise is sufficient,” as one of my former teachers often proclaimed!

Wishing us all the best for getting through the next couple of months!

Great job, moderating team. Maybe an Election '08 subforum that would be up for a few months? I’m hoping if another forum is created it would be out of sight out of mind for me, and I wouldn’t feel so compelled to keep following this/these threads!

I think it would be fair to all who come here to actually discuss matters related to college that if this forum is created its contents would not be part of the “Latest Post” or “New Posts” link. Those that wish to discuss politics can go to that area.

Why don’t CC readers simply avoid political threads? Or avoid the Cafe. I don’t read every thread on this forum and I don’t constantly visit the Cafe*; you don’t have to either.

<li>That was especially true during the Duke lacrosse team drama. During that era, I avoided CC coffee for MONTHS.</li>

I usually fire up the website and go to the Latest Posts. It seems like the political stuff is always at the top of the page. That doesn’t bother me. I like to read it. I was suggesting it be segregated so others didn’t have to wade through it.

I second the suggetion for a [Parents] political Forum. I’ts nice to come to the Cafe and not feel the politics is the only subject under discussion. I don’t think posters should have to avoid to the cafe in order not to be assaulted with Palin/ political posts.

You asked for it, and CC has made the change. Look for the new sub-forum for political threads under the Parents Cafe. :slight_smile:
If anyone notices political threads appearing in the regular Parents Cafe, please just use the “report problem post” option to alert the mods to the need for a move.