How accurate are these books compared to the real ACT

<p>How close are their practice tests compared to the real ACT?</p>

<p>Barron's ACT 36:
Princeton Review Cracking the ACT:
Kaplan ACT Premier:</p>

<p>Princeton Review was pretty helpful for me. I’ll admit ithat the tests were a tiny bit easier than the actual, but not significantly.</p>

<p>Barons 36 is harder. Naturally. They give you test questions that usually trip up the top testers and drop them down to the thirties.</p>

<p>most acurate is princeton, then baron and kaplan are too hard and too easy respectfully</p>

<p>EDIT: When I said drop them to the thirties, I meant like 32, 33 etc. As in, just off from perfect.</p>

<p>I dont have those books, but I’d like to say that the Mcgraw hill one are extremely easy and unhelpful… anyone agree with me?</p>

<p>Everyone will agree that McGraw-Hill is too easy.</p>