<p>I'm a junior; class of 2006.</p>
<p>I will not be indicating my race on my apps because I do not believe in that. I do not need the pity of admissions officers and I do not believe that apps should even have a space for this. What does race have to do with anything?</p>
<p>Competitive public school.</p>
<p>GPA by graduation should be 4.02 or so weighted. I don't know about unweighted.</p>
<p>Currently top 15%. </p>
Star Raiders (anti-drug program for children), 3 years
French Club, 4 years (possibly an officer next year)
Possibly NHS (I haven't gotten my acceptance/rejection letter yet)
Possibly French Honor Society and/or Quill and Scroll (for journalism)
Newspaper staff, 2 years
Lit Mag, 2 years
Starting up a French painting club
Applied to a mini-medical school for high schoolers, I need to get through interview before I know if I've been accepted or not
Translator at my church (consecutively from Korean to English...hopefully I can work at it and do it simultaneously)
Volunteer at hospital, should have over 100 hours by graduation</p>
<p>The only standardized test scores I have are my PSATs...I got a 189 on a practice one, and just took the real thing this morning.</p>
<p>I am reaching for the equivalent of a 1400+ on the new SAT I that is out of 2400.</p>
<p>I will be taking SAT IIs, but I don't know what subjects yet.</p>
<p>I hope for a 30+ on the ACT.</p>
<p>I plan to study various foreign languages in college, especially French.</p>
<p>Schools I'm interested in (I live in the Chicago land area):
U of Chicago
Illinois Wesleyan
I guess I'll have to apply to U of I at Urbana-Champaign (would this be considered a safety for me?)
Harvard (def a reach for me, my dream; cousin and uncle went there)
Wellesley (cousin went there)
<p>What would be some good matches for me? And yes, I do realize that it's extremely hard to predict these things, especially since I do not have my test scores.</p>
<p>Your efforts are appreciated.</p>