How are apps read?

<p> EA decision time quickly approaches...I was wondering how exactly the office of admission reads applications? Does the designated AO for your region read it first and make an initial yes/no judgment and then pass it on to the committe if it is worthy? Are they sorted in a specific way?</p>

<p>When a Georgetown rep came to visit my school, he essentially said the process worked the way you did–region AO reads them first and gives them green or red light and then adcoms (sorted by school) go through the regional AO-accepted ones all together.</p>

<p>so it goes to a committee after the regional ao?</p>

<p>does anyone know?</p>

<p>I always assumed that the regional AO rated the candidate and then the app went to one other AO from sfs, college, nhs, or msb who gave another rating. then, the app would go to the committee for a quick decision based on the other two ao comments. i think thats how another college does it…cant remember which…</p>

<p>A bit old but [ABC</a> News: Inside Georgetown’s Admissions Deliberations](<a href=“Inside Georgetown's Admissions Deliberations - ABC News”>Inside Georgetown's Admissions Deliberations - ABC News).</p>

<p>hmmm…interesting…so for most of us, our app is only read by one person</p>

<p>Wow that article is pretty interesting… I wonder how accurate it is? By that I mean, I wonder if that’s still how they access us for admission. Odd, how you may only have to be considered by a single person. </p>

<p>It’s amazing how a select few people have our futures in their hands. Such power…</p>

<p>Well this is unnerving. My test scores are marginally better than this May girl who was accepted in 2003, but nowadays everyone else is more competitive. Plus, I go to public school, which sounds like it’s a cause for concern. So I guess I’m just as worried as I was before reading this article.</p>

<p>Well, alex, i wouldnt be too nervous. All of the schools in CNY have really good reps, with the exception of the City’s, Auburn’s, Solvay’s, and, to a lesser extent, CNS. The only cause for concern is class size. I may be 1st in my class, but there are over 460 kids graduating with me, so no counselor really knows his kids</p>

<p>I guess that’s good to know, I’m still kindof a nattering nabob of negativism right now. :-P</p>