How are community college classes taken in high school calculated into GPA?

As title states. I plan on taking two over the summer and I don’t know how much it would be impacted. Does the grade/GPA you get add on to the year before that or does it count like a total GPA so you can add 2 new GPAs to the cumulative GPA calculation?

It might depend upon the school and the arrangements made by the high school. In the district I know best, courses taken in local colleges are not averaged into the high school GPA. Students have to request transcripts from the colleges when they apply to college.

Ask your HS GC. It’s is up to the HS’s procedures.

As others have said, it depends on the high school. My high school said 1 college credit hour = 0.2 high school credits and calculated the class into your GPA that way. I’m guessing that other high schools don’t include them in GPA at all.

My high school factors it completely into our GPA. It’s weighted the same as an AP class too.