<p>Intended school: CAS
GPA: 3.27 UW, 3.5 W (my school does not weight or rank, so do not count on my weighted GPA being correctly calculated)</p>
<p>SAT: 1600 (M+CR) / 2320 (all in one sitting)</p>
<p>SAT IIs- World History: 800, Math 2C: 800, Bio E: 800, US History: 800</p>
<p>AP: Psych, English Lang and Comp, Comp Sci, US History- All 5s, (self studied Psych)</p>
<p>I worked hard on my personal statements/essays, I hope they'll be good since my AP English teacher liked it, as did my Honors Chem teacher, who has an MFA in Literature. </p>
<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Physics C
AP English Lit
AP Art History
AP Calc AB/Calc C Honors
AP Gov
Spanish 3</p>
<p>ECs And Achievements:</p>
<p>As you're about to see, much of my ECs revolve around politics and trivia, which makes up the bulk of my interests. </p>
<p>Captain of Quiz Bowl Team (I share the title with another individual, but I do most of the organization of tournaments that we host or attend.)</p>
<p>Constitution Team co-captain (won't tell you how our team did at Nationals, but we did well)</p>
<p>Vice President of the Young Republicans</p>
<p>President of Pre-Law Society</p>
<p>I regularly volunteer at a nonprofit for veterans of the Iraq War, approx. 500 hours so far </p>
<p>FBLA Treasurer</p>