How are Reddit applying to college (A2C) and CC different?

Thank goodness you are here to explain, lol! I was actually looking for the word when I was just on Reddit, but haven’t seen it yet.

The one thing that has driven to me A2C and caused me to leave CC is that I can’t delete or edit posts after a time. There is just no place for such loose tolerance to personal data management for me.


I’ll link somethings here for @Lindagaf .


Pretty amusing.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: But the dog thing is just weird.


I agree with the other parents who have weighed in here. Reddit’s definitely geared more toward the students, and it’s a great resource for them to build community and have fun on Wednesdays (top-notch memes) :grinning:. - for that reason, I’m more of a lurker than a poster there, in part because I don’t feel like they need/want parents ruining their vibe and because of what @Lindagaf said - there’s a lot of noise to sift through. I do like the decision megathreads - very easy to find what you need. That’s primarily where I go now - I skip browsing the main feeds altogether.

I appreciate that you’re trying to make CC easier to navigate and meet the needs of this community, which is indeed quite a different makeup. One thing I really like about A2C is that you can sort a thread by new/top/best/old. I have certain threads on CC that I follow daily and the jumping down to the newest post is not ideal from a usability standpoint - particularly on mobile.


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Do other sites allow that? I figure that what I put on the internet is forever.

After the latest update I ran across a longish thread in the financial aid forum that was posted a couple years ago. The student didn’t like the answers they were getting and deleted all of their replies. The thread had some useful information, but without the comments of the OP, which I’d read at the time, the thread was useless.

Some websites. Specially those who are GDPR compliant have the right to be forgotten

I’m a parent and love A2C! However, since it’s mostly high school kids, sometimes I get that guilty feeling like I’m pressing my ear up against my kid’s bedroom door and eavesdropping. I rarely post, but when I do, I feel the need to announce myself with a “Parent here…” :joy:

From A2C I have learned that there are an immense number of kids in the world with a 0% support system. In fact, A2C seems to be their support system.

I find CC to be more informational from a true discussion standpoint. Responses are well-thought out, reasoned, and typically factual. But, when I want to know what’s going on RIGHT NOW I head over to A2C. Those kids have their finger on the pulse of the college world.


This was the main reason for the non-deletion policy. The single-threaded nature of CC makes deleting individual posts very damaging to a useful conversation. Also, the previous platform made it hard to track down all the quoted posts and completely remove any data.

However, now our tools are much better and we can “anonymize” user accounts very easily. If there is info in the posts that can be considered PII, admins can edit the post to hide that but preserve the integrity of the conversation.


Ok so my children said that the kids on Reddit do NOT want mommy and daddy over there meddling on A2C. They want it to be for kids. Not parents “who think they’re cool” making comments and “inserting themselves in a process that is meant for kids.” I know it hurts cool moms/dads it hurt me too…


I’ve been looking at A2C lately and I agree with everything said above. I would add that I find the A2C kids’ obsession with T20 schools unhealthy (it seems to be worse than the Ivy obsession in the chance me section of CC). So many of them link their worth and self-esteem to the T20 decision. The stress level overall is disturbing, too. I feel like “yelling” at them sometimes, but I know they don’t want parents there (at least in that role).


That is so funny! Unfortunately, the kids can’t police who gets to participate, especially on Reddit which is a bit like the Wild Wild West compared to CC.

I just wasted 15 minutes of my life perusing Sh!tpost Wednesday on Reddit. Overall, some of it was funny, most was not, but I was quite excited to see usage of both simp and bruh.:rofl:

I am quite interested as to why UCI, UCSB and Wash U are apparently inspiring an awful lot of angst and/or derision on A2C. I’ll definitely be exploring Reddit more in the coming weeks.


Yield Protection is the phrase of the week on A2C

Tons of really high stat kids WL/rejected at UCI and UCSB. That’s the source of the angst, as many kids considered them targets or even safeties.


Got it! @skieurope , maybe CC should hire you to be an official A2C->CC translator.


We know a kid who is second in their class of 850 who has not received an acceptance yet. Has applied to 24 schools. All waitlists at this point . To say she’s pooping her pants is an understatement.

One thing I’ve heard, and this was from my genius niece, an avid Reddit user, is that it’s impossible on a desk/laptop and only usable on a phone.

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Do you mean the Weds plumbing issues? I do find those entertaining.

Yup. Some are amusing. Most are cringeworthy. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: