How are Reddit applying to college (A2C) and CC different?

ha! in my old age I can only sorta navigate on my lap top.


Agree with all that is said here. Reddit more used by students. I also follow the schools main reddit feed which gives a decent though sometimes jaded view of what are current topics at the schools. Since CC is more parents, we don’t tend to get that feel here. The funniest post I saw on Reddit was a kid posting in A2C that they had found their parents CC account and were amused by what the parent had been posting! Reddit is also where I found out that there is a nurses strike at the hospital near WPI, a graduate student strike at Columbia, and covid behind the scenes opinions in many schools - so more of my gossip source. It’s worth a look but the discussions are not like what we have here which I prefer. Here I’m looking for timelines for admissions releases, ideas of schools to apply to (not just T20) and connecting with parents. Oh! and I prefer to be flagged or told I did something wrong then to be downvoted. Downvoting does keep the kids in check on A2C (when you see deleted it means user deleted comment and/or left Reddit).


I would not like downvoting here on CC.


I don’t know how to use Reddit. :frowning:
I see the funny (or weird) memes but I don’t see how A2C can be used usefully and efficiently.


I like CC a lot more


I go to Reddit to look at comments about engineering for students. They are blatantly honest and supportive of each other. IE : took Calc 2 and failed a test. Then everyone comes on to tell their failure story.

But… One thing on the Michigan thread that I am part of is that the kids want more freedom to just talk to each other and be supportive. Read this as… Going off topic. Earlier in the admission process we attempted to rein some of these kids more to the subject at hand and one commented “this is our site and talking to my friends here is a stress reliever”… I thought that was very powerful. People come to CC for different reasons. So… We have given them more rein and at some point asked the mods to be more lenient. Overall it seems to be working fine and overall is a busy thread. I think this way they can be kids but when needed we can give them the reality and help they need. I think this is one way to meld the feel of the 2.


That’s interesting. My senior and I just spent the last 30 minutes perusing the memes and we were crying howling laughing. Maybe because they were so relatable to my daughter’s experience right now and that of her friends. Getting waitlisted everywhere. It felt so good to find humor even though we are in shock at what is happening. I simply can not wait till next Wednesday as I don’t know the last time I have laughed that hard, or had that much fun with my kid. This morning I had told her she’s always been an over achiever (it’s true) and that she’s totally over achieving with getting so many waitlists. :joy:


I suspect a lot of kids on A2C are overachieving too. This thread has been making the rounds again, so I’ll link it here. Might give you and your daughter some needed perspective :blush::


Thank you, I had heard about this thread so will definitely give it some attention. We are just going with the flow. While she does have several waitlists at her top choices, she’s got some acceptances under her belt too. We made the decision to not apply to reach so the waitlists from targets and safeties just makes things confusing, but at the end of the day she’s going to college, she will get an education and make an awesome life for herself. I know for sure that it won’t be tied to which school she attends. It’s just been a whirlwind of a year because of Covid and nothing about this college season has been normal at all. We are trying to keep things in perspective and be grateful for our health and relative sanity that we have been able to maintain. We have learned what truly matters in life and that at the end of the day hard work does pay off, it just might not look like what you were expecting. Life is full of surprises!


The problem with easily deleting old posts is that it is often a recipe for allowing gaslighting and provoking a reaction and disappearing, both highly used among internet trolls.

It also makes sure that people think long and hard before pressing that “post” button.


I only reply when it’s warranted (and I have the “parent” tag). I get lots of upvotes and private messages thanking me. I only step in when appropriate, though.

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You needed to have a “you might start getting weepy” warning. :slight_smile:


I agree entirely with your assessment.
And am I the only one on here whose kids don’t know that CC exists? I told D19 about CC but not until after she was admitted to college…she thanked me for never having mentioned it to her because after she spent about 10 minutes perusing it, she said it gave her severe anxiety to see the stuff posted on here…and told me that I should never, ever mention it to D21 (and I haven’t!)

Lol, that’s funny! My D knew I was on CC from the get go and asked me to ask about things here. She knew about Reddit A2C at some point, but liked that I got straight answers on CC.

As an aside, I spent another half hour on Reddit today. A typical thread (is that what they are called on Reddit?) might go like this. Forgive my attempt at teen speak:

gummybear: I’m so bummed I got waitlisted. Idk what to do now.

hotchili: That sux. Idk either. Just go to your safety I guessss?

Fredkruger: I wonder if you can send a LOCI?

Bambi234: The website says they don’t accept any additional stuff.

gummybear: K, but can’t I tell them I’m really interested?

hotchili: I’d wait and see where else you get in.

Fredkruger: Maybe you should ask your GC?

gummybear: Yasssss, that’s what I will do.

Bambi234: :heart_eyes::heart::crossed_fingers::goat:!

I felt for poor gummybear, so I created a username and made a helpful suggestion, trying not to sound too adultish, about what he/she could do to improve odds of getting off waitlist, for which gummybear seemed grateful.

I intend to check in with Reddit often as it gives me insight into teens. That’s useful because my own kids are now young adults and not so cool anymore. I can stay on fleek for my work. :grinning:

Not to put down Reddit at all, of course. I just don’t see that it’s a great place to go for useful info, though it appears the subreddits (is that right?) have all kinds of good advice once you start clicking around.


My S20 introduced me to CC. I don’t know how he found it, but I remember he told me about CC and my reaction was “it’s probably a trash site, I wouldn’t trust it until we check it out.” Then I checked it out and decided it was something I should pay attention to … and he stopped. :rofl:


As every teenager will tell you, once the parents latch onto something, the kewl factor plummets. I’m looking at you, Facebook. :smile:


Don’t go to Reddit now. It is chaos over there.


We have our moments but I really feel for them right now. The emotions are running really hot - this decision season has been complete insanity and every applicant is feeling it.


The widening wealth disparity in our country, the racism and classism that continues, along with the way colleges have been operating for the past few decades (classist admissions; exhorbitant pricing, etc) is really taking its toll. Reddit A2C is showing it play out in real time.

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The last 24 hours are showing that cancel culture is alive and well.