How are Reddit applying to college (A2C) and CC different?

I dont understand what cancel culture has to do with college admissions or reddit.
But I also don’t understand why the term “cancel culture” is supposed to represent a 21st century cultural phenomenon when I clearly remember how various radio hosts tried to cancel Madonna songs or video clips about every month, or how video games were supposed to rot our brains and make us violent thus should no longer be sold. So to me cancel culture is Rush Limbaugh/80s radio shock jocks tinged, against college kids and their admittedly sometimes uncouth taste.
(So did someone erase stuff on reddit A2C?)


one of the mods (a college consultant) said some insensitive statement regarding asian americans a while ago and with the recent news on asian americans his statement was brought up again Reddit - Dive into anything

Cancel culture in the past was Tipper Gore railing against Prince and Madonna and Will and Grace while most everyone else just rolled their eyes. These days, it invokes a mob mentality, and not always in a good way.

And if Tipper had issues with Madonna’s Dress You Up, her head must have been spinning like Linda Blake’s upon hearing FEFE by 6ix9ine ft. Nicki Minaj. :smile::smile::smile:

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Okay, I have to ask. What would invoke a mob mentality in a good way?

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As a teenager, +1

Yeah, like Dartmouth Simp and his “Day 64/89 waiting for an acceptance” or whatever it is. I’ll miss him. :laughing: and S*post Wednesdays are the best.

Personally If you are a sophomore or less DO NOT go to A2C… most useless subreddit TBH - just use CC. CC is dedicated to offering opportunities to make YOU grow. A2C is meant for seniors who cannot improve their applications much other than essays

Also: B a s e d and hot take: A2C is fore those who don’t want to listen to the harsh reality of T20 college admissions.


To be very honest, A2C is also anxiety inducing (especially if you go out of your way and look up “sophomore” and sort by new and get jelous LOL). CC is much better 4 me because it is the truth and nothing but the truth, which is what I want.


So glad you’re on CC and have found valuable feedback! We’re always looking to improve and find better ways to support all our students and parents.

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You forgot “…so help me God.”

So the only reason I still go to A2C is because I am working toward becoming an independent education consultant and it is helpful to stay informed about trends and students’ state of mind…and I have to stop myself from responding to those angst ridden students…all I want to do is give them a hug!
I agree, CC has some very useful information…but I still would never tell my kids about it! My opinion is that it is truly skewed toward T50 admissions, even though 98% - 99% of college students will not end up at those schools. The parents who comment about the need for students to ‘package’ themselves, what their kids did to get into a top school, stating/implying that there is no randomness to admissions…if I can give you one piece of advice, it would be to understand that there is really a lottery piece to elite school admissions. You might earn the ticket to participate in the lottery - and that is not random - but whether or not your ticket gets pulled has an element of chance. I can’t get specific here as to schools where I have talked with former admissions folks and/or know individuals currently in administrations but I hope knowing this gives you some perspective to not tie your self worth to admittance to any one particular school. Best of luck to you.

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Do you have an app that works well with phones and tablets? I think a ton of people of Reddit said that they would use CC more if you guys had an app.

Funny you mention that - we’re working on one! It should be available in the next couple of months.

What do you mean by that?

I think that is why you see the generational discrepancy between Reddit and CC. Reddit has an app and is more phone-friendly. Students/younger people tend to use their phones more. CC doesn’t have an app is not very phone-friendly and is used more by PC/computer users. Older people generally are using PC/computers more.


I think of the admit decision as rolling loaded dice. A strong applicant may have a 30% chance of admission into each HYPSM college, but that means that there is about a 1 in 6 chance of getting into zero of them. Interestingly, there is a similar chance of getting into three or more of them.

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I think that is not true. The reason is because chances are not independent. That is why you see kids get into all or none or if they get lucky, one.

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College Confidential threads veer off-topic more quickly. :sweat_smile:


Another difference: CC has very active moderators.

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Are you certain about that? :laughing:

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