How are the girls at Cornell?

<p>hahaha I like this thread</p>

<p>^ LOL I was about to write that! It's very entertaining hahaha. I wish I could see what everyone looks like as they post in this thread to make it more entertaining haha</p>

<p>The thread is certainly interesting, but from my point of view, if a girl is "easy" to get sex out of, than the guy is definitely a jerk.</p>

<p>or horny...</p>

<p>^ Idk. I just think a girl is stupid if she gets drunk and goes off to have sex with a guy she knew for a night. Maybe that's what you call fun, but I think that's ridiculous. lol</p>

<p>Large quantities of alcohol foster "stupid" actions; plenty non-"stupid" people have had one night stands (it's college).</p>

<p>Yeah, I understand that a person can make a mistake because of how alcohol influences your mind, but I mean if that's the only reason a guy decides to go to a college.. lol..
I don't like any drinks except water and milk as odd as it is, so I think I'm good. haha</p>

<p>If you want the really hot girls go to Arizona or Florida State. At Cornell hot girls who put out easy are hard to find, even harder to find is a girl who doesn't claim she has a boyfriend (I would like to bet 50% of the time it's a lie because otherwise Cornell has the highest rate of girls with boyfriends for any college in the world). I dunno, shouldn't more girls want to explore the different types of men (not necessarily sexually but just different personalities and such) in college rather than be tied to one guy for like ever? This is the thing that bothers me most about Cornell girls, they love to whip out the boyfriend card within 2 minutes of meeting you.</p>

<p>^^^^ Best name on CC by FAR</p>

<p>Thank you lobos</p>