<p>Econ 1-Olney
MCB 61-Presti
IAS 45-Lough</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://www.ratemyprofessors.com%5DRateMyProfessors.com%5B/url”>http://www.ratemyprofessors.com]RateMyProfessors.com[/url</a>] </p>
<p>^best way to find out.
and i think courserank has a few professor ratings.</p>
<p>Olney is a great professor, but be prepared for very challenging exams.</p>
<p>olney is a great lecturer, and the best way to study for her midterms and final is to do old exams. she provides them on her website. do two or three years worth.</p>
<p>i had presti for mcb 62 (drugs and the brain), which is pretty much the same as mcb 61. the best thing to do is to buy the asuc notes (notes.berkeley.edu). his multiple choice tests are based on those from what i remember.</p>
<p>i had ias 45 with pearson, not the professor you have listed, so i can’t be too much help. sorry</p>
<p>Getting an A with Olney is doable if you study and work hard.</p>