<p>With 37 days to go until decisions are released, I'm curious to what everyone else is doing to make the time pass?</p>
<p>Personally, it's really killing me. >.<</p>
<p>With 37 days to go until decisions are released, I'm curious to what everyone else is doing to make the time pass?</p>
<p>Personally, it's really killing me. >.<</p>
<p>I feel like I’m on autopilot. I hate this feeling.</p>
<p>Oh same here!
I can’t do anything but check the mailbox, my email, and CC.</p>
<p>Our decisions are just sitting in a computer somewhere, why can’t they release them?</p>
<p>I mean you no offense, but get a life.</p>
<p>^ hahaha a lil harsh, but i see what he’s saying</p>
<p>i’ve been plenty busy, so i dont find myself having this problem</p>
<p>^ I’m busy too, don’t get me wrong, but this is the next major step in our lives. It makes sense that we’re anxious about what’s gonna happen.</p>
<p>Give me a break people, A) The most hardworking students might be most afflicted by the inability to do work while waiting, given they might be the most anxious and with the most enthusiasm about the results, B) I’m sure you don’t REALLY have something better to do than check your email it’s not actually that pathetic. As Locke says, it’s a big step. </p>
<p>My friend here who pretty much decimated math classes with straight A+'s was feverishly doing nothing but refreshing his email inbox to check for acceptances for grad school!</p>
<p>I wish I had something that exciting to do actually =\ I’m in college, working on difficult stuff, and it’s actually not as exciting as waiting for admissions results, as much as I love the material I study.</p>
<p>Ripping my hair out strand by strand…</p>
<p>Aww, I understand how you feel. Two years ago, I was in the same state as you applicants. I had days marked down in my planner, and I was crazy obsessed with looking up other people’s stats for who got rejected/accepted. Lemme tell you, after some time, none of it will matter. I know that I am a person who has tendencies to be anxious and obsessive. Just calm down right now, because you probably will get in. Don’t let the college decisions rule your life like it did mine.</p>
<p>It’s your second semester senior year!
Enjoy it instead of fuming and worrying over this. Yes, it’s a big step, but the college experience is completely different from high school, and that’s not always in a good way either.</p>
<p>On the day I found out I got into Cal, two of my friends and I nearly got stranded on the mountains behind my friend’s house. We started hiking/climbing up at 3 pm and didn’t find a way back down until 7 pm. On top of that, one of friends nearly died from falling off a 12 foot cliff/bluff (she nearly cracked her head open on a rock next to her). I sustained a deep three inch scratch on my back that oozed pus for the next two weeks and I still have the scar. When we got back to my friend’s place, her mom scolded all of us for being too reckless and then told us we all got accepted into Berkeley while telling us how terrible it would be for all three of us to die on a mountainside after just being accepted by such a good university. After that, I just had to choose Cal, I mean I even have the damn scar ;).</p>
<p>So yes…That’s how I handled the wait…By nearly getting myself killed and learning about this innate ability of mine to find my way down any mountain or cliff…</p>
<p>You guys going through the wait right now should use this time to do something really fun and adventurous. This is probably the last chance you’ll get besides the summer that you can do whatever you want to do whenever. For me, that was what I did since I already knew my summer was booked.</p>
<p>oh no! now that you’ve said 37 days, i’ll inevitably be keeping an internal countdown clock in my head… it’s out of my contol.- wish i could stop it. ive already got a countdown to the march 1st thing, too</p>
<p>haha, dillscout, but i applaud you for not sitting at the computer waiting for decisions to come up… maybe the reason you got caught up there so late was an unconscious fear of seeing the decision… i know i do weird stuff to avoid finding out things i really want to know, but dont…</p>
<p>Yeah – go get stranded on a mountain will you people </p>
<p>Seriously, though, I didn’t have as much fun as I should my second semester senior year. And if you want the steam and energy to really start college with a fresh mind, I’d suggest taking advantage of this period. I think one of the big things I learned in college is that it actually DOES matter if you take a break and refresh. You don’t have as much quantity of work, just more “intelligent” work on average. And it’s critical to remain fresh and have the steam – if you do, there’s almost no such thing as stress, only mild frustration.</p>
<p>The funny thing was that after turned in all my apps I just stopped thinking about it all together. This whole college admission thing had been the center of my life up until that point (everything I did up until then somehow or other related back to college admissions, even my vacations) and once I got it over with I never wanted to think about it again. Personally, I was only concerned that I got into a college, but there was no particular college I really wanted to go to. </p>
<p>So during the wait I just did lots of fun things like go hiking three times a week, have dinner with my friends, play video games with my sister, and so on and so forth. This really is the best time to do whatever it is you’re missing out on, such as take part in a school play or run track or something. Checking your email obsessively isn’t going to make the admission email come any faster (nor will it change admissions decision).</p>
<p>“Checking your email obsessively isn’t going to make the admission email come any faster (nor will it change admissions decision).”</p>
<p>Though, it may be more exciting than taking part in a play to some of us :)</p>
<p>^ I agree that that’s what we should be doing, but The Man’s getting in the way. My parents are on my butt 24/7 about scholarships and finding a job, and this is the quarter all my teachers decided to pull out all of the major projects.</p>
<p>I would go play video games and hang out with friends and what not, but I don’t want to abandon my grades (nor would my parents let me, since they can check my grades online).</p>
<p>dudes take a chill pill
i simply started going to parties and stuff after I was done with all my apps and ish.
guys…no matter what you do at this point, the final result will be the same regardless!
so come on! have fun. party.drink.smoke. all that fun stuff in the meanwhile!</p>
DONT WORRY ABOUT SCHOOL OR GRADES (unless ofc youre getting lower than Cs)</p>
<p>go out there, get a job, meet new people, get a gf/bf!</p>
<p>just remember to have fun!</p>
<p>People frown upon it, but I would really recommend effectively taking a semester off (though not enough that you get rescinded); you don’t want to burn out. Recharge yourself before you enter college.</p>
<p>IM DYING. i love berkeley so so so much. its amazing. im wearing their sweatshirt now actually. I just wannnnnnna know already.</p>