<p>Little too late to study if you ask me. Oh well you will be kicking yourself once you see the open ended for this year. In all honesty you probably would have been better off taking the exam today considering that the make up might not be so favorable.</p>
<p>Oh my bad I just noticed the thread was Lang sorry my apologies.</p>
<p>@DrDavid, I’ve been studying and have kept an A in all three trimesters of the class so far, and I actually feel confident. I get about 90% of the multiple choice questions right, so even if I get all 5’s on my essays I will be fine. Aiming for a 5.</p>
<p>I was just curious about what others were doing to study.</p>
<p>Thanks for posting an unnecessary answer.</p>
Did you not read my second post I accidentally thought this was a lit. thread. In other words I wasn’t trying to ridicule you I thought you skipped the test because you weren’t prepared. So I will once again apologize. </p>
<p>Since the Language is already over how did you do? I definitely got a 5 on Literature.</p>
<p>OH. Now I understand. I did not know that Lit’s test was already over. Sorry 'bout that! <em>foot in mouth</em></p>
<p>I think I actually did well! I feel I got a 5, 4 at the least. Was AP Lit a hard class? I plan on taking it next year.</p>
<p>If you thought language was easy then Lit. will be a walk in the park because you can prep for the open-ended and the rest is analyzing literature. The class itself is a breeze, if you love reading and have an amazing teacher the year will fly by before you know it. In all honest I struggled with Lang. because of all the devices you have to memorize. Lit. on the other hand is very relaxing because you have been reading all your life.
Best of luck to you, senior year is an amazing year. Also what college do you plan on attending?</p>