<p>Since the exams are coming up, I'm sure most of you are studying crazily to get that 5. How do you go about doing it though? Do you just go through all of your notes? Take practice tests? Or no studying at all?</p>
<p>For me, it'll be no studying at all (hey... it worked the last time :p).</p>
<p>I'm not. :(</p>
<p>I'm sure I'll start at some point in time, though.</p>
<p>Yeah....I'm self-studying Stat this year and haven't even started yet. These next two weeks should be fun.</p>
<p>I burn incense and offer small sacrifices nightly. Every week, I don robes and chant in ancient tongue. Then, I go and drink a nice Starbucks latte.</p>
<p>Haven't even opened the books yet.
Pretty much screwed, I am.</p>
<p>totally clucked. gonna be a wild ride.</p>
<p>oh well, only two of them will count for credit anyway.</p>
<p>im in the same boat as you all....haven't started studying...</p>
<p>Two of them, and how many are there exactly?</p>
<p>Last year I hardly studied at all and passed both exams with relative ease.</p>
<p>I think I will put a bit more effort into studying this year because I want to get 5s on some of my exams. The only exam I am scared about is Physics B. There's wayyyy too much to study for and so little time. I really need to study for both of the econ exams too because I haven't really learned much in those classes. lolzz</p>
<p>Okay, so have all of you guys been taking the AP course as well? Or just taking the exam?</p>
<p>Because that would just make me feel less screwed.</p>
<p>I've been taking the courses too. I have 4 APs in senior year because I was an idiot and bought into that whole rigorous-curriculum-is-good deal. Foolish. Only Stat and Physics B will count though, if i do well on them.</p>
<p>I JUST WANT 4s OMG.</p>
<p>umm let's see</p>
<p>French-really minimal outside prep. we do a lot of prep in class. in fact, thats all we do. and i kind of feel doomed for that test anyway, so im not investing too much time.</p>
<p>US Hist - thoroughly reading through the Princeton Review book. Basically. I have a really good teacher and last year half the class got 5's so im not stressing.</p>
<p>I've been studying for three out of the four APs I'm taking for over a month, almost every single day. I'm aiming for 5's. AP Bio on the other hand is a whole different story. I'll probably buy SparkNotes and cram for it. It'll be the only one where a 3 will be acceptable.</p>
<p>I started studying right after I posted on here. I've got six tests, and so far I've gotten up to the Monroe administration in US History. I'm not going to study for English Lang or Environmental Science; Spanish and Calc don't seem that convenient to prepare for. So I'll be hardcore cramming US History and Bio. :(</p>
<p>Barron's. Skim through the textbook.
Yeah, that's about it.</p>
<p>5 APs, haven't really started studying for 3 of them. Econ's going to waste me.</p>