<p>I am a sophmore at the University of Florida majoring in Chemical Engineering.
I just found out that I got B in Gen Chem II (the prof was terrible), I got a B+ in honors physics 1, and my Differential Equations grade is still up in the air. I have an A in Gen Chem 1, and Physics 2, and i am taking orgo and bio in the spring, all my other classes i have got an A in. I would like to go to UF med as well. Also for the record I am on the residence area board, and was director of communications for an org. last year, and will start voulenteering in the spring? Thanks.</p>
<p>o i forgot to mention an A in calc II and III</p>
<p>You’re fine right now. Just try to keep your GPA as high as possible. Are you sure you want to do chemE —> med??? Also, it’s good you are starting volunteering (hopefully at the hospital?). Make sure it’s a worthwhile experience (something you can discuss in interviews). You might want to consider beginning research or shadowing.</p>
<p>yeah i really dont see myself as anything but an engineer if i dont go to medical school…im hoping that the admissions counsel weighs the fact that i am going through a really hard major. Also yes i will be at the hopital, and im working on looking for research</p>
<p>They probably won’t. There was at least one huge debate about whether or not the “hardness” of your major makes a difference during application time - I have neither the time nor inclincation to search for it - and I believe the consensus was that at best, it was a tiny, tiny point in your favor.</p>
<p>^IA. It won’t make a difference. I personally would choose an easier major, but that’s just me.</p>
<p>if i did not genuinely really like my major and if i could go back and do it all again i would have picked an easier major just because doing hardcore science all the time if its not your favorite thing can get to be very stressful when you are premed</p>