how bad do grades have to be to be revoked?

<p>Since I have gotten in, my grades have taken a little dip so I'm wondering how bad they can get before UW sends a warning.</p>

<p>anything above a 2.5 should keep you safe</p>

<p>My roommate got a warning last year for getting a D for the semester in calculus... however, that was the only non-"A" grade she had on her transcript for the semester.</p>

<p>In other words, don't worry about it lol.</p>

<p>I got a warning letter in the summer for a C- and a C+, although I got admitted with a C in the one class (AP English, junior year). All my other grades were pretty much the same as years past. Man, that letter was the scariest thing I think I've ever seen.</p>

<p>To get rescinded you have to be pretty bad, though.</p>

<p>But do try harder to get those grades you are capable of- not the time to slack off. Learning as much as you can and keeping good study habits will make it easier next fall.</p>