<p>I want to transfer out of my current high school (its a waste of money-I can afford it and everything but its not worth it when i can't even take the classes I want to). Would it look bad to transfer out of it and go to a big public high school for only a year? I would take a very very very rigorous courseload at this new school. Bad idea?</p>
<p>I am currently a Junior about to be a Senior and want to transfer for my Senior year only.</p>
<p>My buddy transferred to my high school senior year and got into Northwestern, WashU, Harvey Mudd and some other places. It wouldn’t hurt too much if you’re prepared.</p>
<p>Just make sure you check graduation requirements before you do anything. What private schools require and what public schools require are often different.</p>
<p>What you lose is the faculty and college counselor that (presumably) knows you well and is more prepared to write thoughtful and personal recs for you. Otherwise, it won’t matter- especially in this economy when lots of kids are leaving private schools.</p>
<p>Plenty of parent are scared they will their jobs and are making contigency plans. You shouldnt lie, but my guess is colleges know that some parents are afraid they will lose jobs but then don’t. If you are asked, I would tell the truth, that you and your parents did not think it was worth the money, but that you do think college xyz is.</p>