how bad is a C?

<p>I got one C junior year in English but my cumulative gpa is still a 4.1 is that going to hurt me for places like Cal, Wash U, Michigan</p>

<p>It might hurt a little but it won’t destroy your chances.</p>

<p>As long as your other grades/SAT/recommendations/essays/ECs are good.</p>

<p>Better than a D, but not quite a B</p>

<p>You’re fine, for christ’s sake if you only got one c in your whole HS career you are golden compared to most applicants</p>

<p>im in the same position. one C+ first semester spanish. after that ive gotten 3 B’s all of HS. so we’ll see</p>

<p>don’t colleges just see your final grades anyway?</p>

<p>a C will screw u down to the bottom >:)</p>

<p>They throw out any applications that don’t have straight A’s. Sorry.</p>

<p>Did you calculate your UC gpa yet? that’s the way to see how you stand with UC’s. I’d think you want to avoid any C’s for the schools you mention. But I don’t know if it will keep you out.</p>

<p>I do know a girl who has many honors and AP at a private Catholic School. She either got one C or (I think it was a D) one semester in an AP Chem class. She didn’t get into UCSC and ended up at Chico State honors college.</p>