How bad is a withdraw on transcript?

I am a high school senior and I applied to VT with 3.68 Weighted GPA , 1150 on SAT and I’ve taken 7 AP Classes including ( AP Physics C, AP World, APUSH, AP Comp sci A, AP Macro, AP comp. government , AP Stats) but i took AP Calc AB this year and dropped out with a Withdraw on the transcript. I sent 3 essays with 3 Recommendation letters. How much is it going to hurt my chances?

Also, if you were wondering, I have all 4 years of science, math, english, history and electives…

what major? in state or out?

Computer science, in state.

In my resume I also stated all the certification I have + experience in 5 programming languages and did some projects too

Since Computer Science falls under the Engineering College, I think the W, especially in Calculus, may cause admissions pause. IMHO.

The GPA is on target. The SAT is a bit low, but not too bad. According to Prepscholar website, Your chance of getting in is 68%. The “W” would probably make a difference if you were applying to Princeton.

I agree that a W in AP Calc will not be good for someone trying to get into the engineering school. Calc at VT will be much harder than HS. Mean HS GPA for engineering in 2017 was 4.11 and SAT of 1339. Add a W to your transcript is not going to help.

your stats arent like terrible, it also is important what grades you got in the AP classes (math/science especially). With a major like engineering, taking calc is really important, as it’s a decent barometer for admissions to see how you might do when you are actually in college. Calc trips up a lot of people in college.

Does anyone know if a W from community college would kill chances of transfering to VT?

My son was accepted into Tech engineering on Monday. He is at a Virginia CC (dual credit, will have both a high school degree and an associate’s degree this spring). He applied as a freshman. He withdrew from a general engineering class at the CC after he decided to switch his major to computer science. So I’d assume it wouldn’t be a total dealbreaker for a transfer, depending on what other factors are in your application. Best of luck.