<p>I may fall out of the top quarter before I graduate... How much worse is top 26% than top 25%?</p>
<p>There isn’t any real difference, obviously, but it could hurt you if the grade report has boxes for your counselor to check: top 10%, top 25%, top 50%, or if the school your are applying to is overly concerned with USNWR rankings, as I think one barometer of quality is based on the percent of students in the top 25 percent.</p>
<p>WIth thesee stats and out of the top quarter, what type schools can i considerr matches?</p>
<p>----GPA- 3.83 W, probably ~3.7 UW (only will have taken like 3 APs when i graduate but more preAPs…</p>
<p>----SAT- 690 m 760 cr 740 w might retake</p>
<p>Hey be happy!</p>
<p>I was in the top 10% at my school (ranked by weighted GPA), and then switched to another school with huge grade inflation and UW ranking…</p>
<p>My counselor told me I was in the top 45%, ironically I had received the highest ACT in my class…</p>
<p>Class rank isn’t that important. Just make sure your individual GPA is high (3.7+ UW). Good luck!</p>
<p>what are some schools that class rank doesnt matter to?</p>
<p>Who says class rank isn’t important? I don’t think my applications were as successful with my 12%ile unweighted GPA and 3.9 than they would have been if I was in the top 10% despite my 2210 SAT. While I think weighted rank is helpful, unweighted rank says nothing about the difficulty of your school or how good you are compared to your classmates–it doesn’t care if other students took AP Physics or if they instead took Health. If my school would have used weighted GPAs I would have been in the top 3%.</p>
<p>What were your parents THINKING?? :(</p>
<p>fly - Obviously you’ll be looking for schools that value high GPA and high SATs … not schools who reject otherwise qualified applicants simply because of their class rank.</p>
<p>I was in the top 21% or 26% of my class (I remember it was 1% off from either 20 or 25). I had high test scores and good EC’s - I made it into good schools. In college I performed a lot better than many of my friends who claimed to be valedictorian and stuff. If you live in a city with 1 mil+ people, I wouldn’t sweat not being at the top - a lot of people live in places where the high school they go to is based on location not merit, like it is where I live, and subsequently they have higher class rank and whatnot…</p>
<p>Even if it does affect your initial college acceptance, you still have enough time, in college, to go to a CC, then transfer to a flagship school and then highly ranked graduate program in your field so I wouldn’t let high school bog you down. Doing well in college is much more important!</p>
<p>Yeah, hard to imagen a universtiy who will reject a qualified student only base on their class rank, I would assume if you do happen to get reject your class rank may have little to be at fault.</p>
<p>Though, if your competing for a university with others who are ranked higher than you… competition may increase.</p>
<p>monstor344: we moved to another state, it was already 2 weeks after school had started, and no one really though that could be possible. it was no ones fault</p>
<p>NewHope33: I’m not staying at that high school for my senior year, so this time before I enroll, we’ll make sure my class rank will be at least 10% hah</p>
<p>I’m just curious… is it common for a 4.1 to put a student in the top 10%? I was at my old old high school, but I have no idea were I’ll be next year, and just want to know if it’s something to expect or not.</p>
<p>flyyingllama, you should be able to find the new high school’s school profile, which will list the number of students at each decile and the GPA breakdown.</p>
<p>^ Wow, that sounds amazing. The one where I was put in the top 40% didn’t have anything like that.</p>
<p>Huh? This is the opposite of the truth. A 3.7 means different things depending on where it comes from which is why it’s all about rank.</p>
<p>Your SAT scores will help you a lot at many schools. You might look at state schools that use formulas for admission where your scores will really help.</p>
<p>would retaking the SAT help my class rank? and does anyone know any specific schools that don’t care as much about class rank?</p>
<p>^Class rank is only related to your GPA.</p>
<p>i mean would it help make up for bad class rank lol</p>
<p>would it be USNEWs rankings suck ups that care about class rank or what?</p>
<p>what schools dont care about class rank?</p>