How Bad

<p>Are B+'s really?
How bad are they in non-Honor/AP courses?
And are they still frowned upon IN AP and Honor Classes?</p>

<p>If you have a few B+'s, does that mean you're basically screwed for Ivies?
P.S. I go to a highly competitive highschool( my teachers constantly reiterate that our B's are better than other school's A's because our workload is harder).</p>

<p>^^ My high school is exactly the same. B's in AP and honor courses aren't that bad. They aren't good, but they arent bad. In regular courses they ARE bad. If your school is as competitive as you say, the colleges might know your school. The HYPS, Northwestern, University of Chicago, etc came to our city and talked about their schools and such. One kid from my school asked if they paid special attention at my school becaus eof how rigorous it is. They said that the absolutely do and said that we could hve lower ranks and still get in because of the courses and students.</p>

<p>My school is in the top 20 publics in california. Is it good enough to get special consideration from colleges like the UCs?</p>

<p>B's are bad for me. The very presence of them weakens my resolve to be better.</p>