How beneficial is AP National Scholar at the end of Junior year?

<p>I would have to take 7 AP classes to be an AP National Scholar next year, and my schedule would look like this:</p>

<p>Calc AB
US Gov
Environmental Science
Human Geography</p>

<p>Would I be able to handle it? If AP National Scholar isn't THAT much of a benefit, I would probably drop Human Geo next year and take it in 12th grade... So is it worth it???</p>

<p>I don’t know… </p>

<p>I got AP National by Junior year… self studied four of the eight AP’s though… don’t know how much of an impact it made, if at all… </p>

<p>7 AP classes? In Junior year? Which means you only took one AP last year… This is not a joke… everyone become complacent and screws themselves over by taking too many AP classes. AP National is good, but remember that the GPA is the most critical part of your package…</p>

<p>IMO it really isn’t important at all. Colleges see all your AP scores, so the differences between seven 5’s (w/ distinction) and eight 5’s (national scholar) is small. Don’t kill yourself just for the award, it isn’t worth it at all.</p>

<p>Well AP Gov and AP Calc would probably be really easy, since I’ve got a really good foundation in both of those classes. AP Language teacher is really nice to me, I’ve always aced essays where other people would fail. AP Bio teacher is my Academic team coach, and I LOVE Biology.</p>

<p>I just thought I’d throw in Psych, Env Sci, and Human Geo to keep my counselor from giving me pointless elective classes… I may cut off 1-2 of the additional three, though, for the sake of my social life.</p>


<p>Not that beneficial if your school offers that many AP’s to juniors.</p>

<p>On the other hand, if you’re a kid whose schools offers basically no AP’s, then AP National Scholar is impressive.</p>

<p>Being National Scholar is worth recognition from colleges if you want it. </p>

<p>I heard from self-studiers that AP Environmental Science, AP Human Geography, and AP Psychology were easy classes.</p>

<p>Calculus AB is easy if you’re really good in math. In my opinion, AP English would be hard because you have to be strong writer and rhetorical analyst. For the rest of the classes, you have to have great memory to remember the information.</p>

<p>My school is a small school with about 300 kids in Wisconsin that offers 2 AP classes, Bio and Calc AB. Would an AP Scholar with Distinction be impressive at the end of my junior year if I had
Bio - 5
Calc BC - independent study
and I’m also going to take the Environmental Science even though I haven’t had the class.</p>

<p>i had absolutely nothing.
CC underachiever right here.</p>

<p>don’t take too many APs for the sake of getting AP National Scholar. you’ll kill your GPA. GPA > AP National Scholar. take a lot of APs if you want to challenge yourself and learn more though.</p>

<p>That is one advantage at my school having such a sucky AP program though. I have a 12.0/12.0 unweighted and my school doesn’t weight. Also, by taking my AP classes online or as independent or self studies all of my classes are pass/fail from here on out. Lame but nice.</p>

<p>would i be able to get the national scholar award if i go to an international school outside of the us, and would it look good on my resume if my school offers no APs (my school is an IB school)?? </p>

<p>also, are calc AB and calc BC counted as two separate tests, or one?</p>

<p>They are just counted as one</p>

<p>(Don’t forget that government has like a 6% curve- making it one of the hardest AP tests to score well on)</p>

<p>AP Scholar or AP Scholar w/ Honors is not as impressive, but still quite good in comparison to the majority of applicants at most schools…especially if the APs are in varying subject areas. It shows breadth.</p>