<p>thanks! that relieves me! i have nothing against aides for this kind of thing, but most OTCs for "sleep" have things like dipenhydramine, etc. in them. ( that includes Benadryl) they can induce a paradoxycal affect, hence, rapid heart rate, sleepLESSness! good luck to all!</p>
<p>shiomi, have you seen the movie Shooter?
Bob Lee Jones sniffed a can of whipped cream. o_o</p>
<p>Week before- relax. Whether I get a 2300 or not, Im going to college either way and I know il be happy. Im ust casually going over the simple stuff like simple grammar rules, a reading passage here and there, and I might take a test or 2 tues or wed cause we have no school. :)</p>
<p>night before- I guess ill relax, casually skim stuff, try not to stress, and fall asleep midnightish.</p>