How can I find a way to contact my AO?

I was waitlisted at the schools I applied to (Exeter, Andover, and SPS). I would like to know what my deficiencies were, but I can’t find their card and nothing shows up when I search my emails. Is there any other way to find their contact information?

Try looking on the websites. It should list the faculty members or more specifically, the admissions staff. Good luck :slight_smile:

OP- I’m so sorry you received disappointing news yesterday. If you want to get feedback about your apps your best bet is to call the Director of Admissions ( if you don’t remember who you met with ) after the last scheduled revisit day, or shortly after A11. I’m sure they’ll be happy to speak with you. All the best and good luck.

FWIW- I cut and copied this from the WL thread:

If you’re handed all Waitlists without any acceptances - here’s basically what you need to know:

Unfortunately, all you can do is remain calm, guarded and optimistic. Out of the gate, I highly recommend that a WL student sends an email to the school(s) just as I outlined in Step One above with read and delivery receipts. Then the waiting truly begins because the AOs are solely focused on accepted students and revisit days until A10. Yes, a waitlist parent can call an AO M10-A10 to echo what was said in their child’s WL email, or to get a WL status update, but just remember where the AO focus is ( as cruel as that sounds- sorry ), and remember that all interaction between you and the AO matters. IMHO- it’s better to be cool, upbeat and patient. Persistence ( aka stalking ) has worked out well according to some persistent parents, but it has also backfired miserably on many, too. Everyone operates differently and I’m not here to tell anyone what to do… just do what feels best and works well for your family.

If I had to pick two days for a WL parents to call ( after the M10 student email accepting a place on the WL ) , I would pick the day after the last scheduled revisit day and A11- the day after contracts/ deposits are due… but that’s just me. I think it’s perfectly fine to call A7, too. Just not A10… because it’s usually nuts in the AO office that day.

Before and after A10, you’ll hear about some WL movement here on CC. You’ll also see posts saying your school has closed their WL. Please disregard those posts unless you’ve received the same letter, email, or you were told the same information over the phone by the AO.

Most schools send out some sort of notification to all families when they officially close their WL… while some ( forgive me ) will leave you languishing in the desert forever.

Also… even though it’s rare, some Waitlist movement will occur before school begins in late August/ early September. It’s also not uncommon for movement to happen in July, too … because that’s when the big money is due.

Life intervenes, plans change and spots at BSs do open up, but sadly it’s infrequent. That’s just the way it is.

The best WL advice I’ve heard during M10-A10 and beyond is to keep an open heart, keep doing all the things that make you happy, and keep moving. If you need to pause and vent there are plenty of veterans ( parents and students ) that are here for you… many who have experienced what you’re going though and could give much better WL advice than I can. So reach out if you need to - even if it’s for a lousy cyber hug.