How can I get a job as an SAT tutor?

Hello everyone!

I am a high school senior. I got a 2400 on the SAT and I am interested in becoming an SAT tutor for other high school students.

I never took any SAT classes myself and only studied for the SAT using prep books, so I am not familiar with how the SAT class/tutoring industry works. However, I have experience with volunteering to tutor Spanish to students in my high school. I know how to teach others and I think I would be able to teach the SAT other students effectively based on the insights I have gleaned from prepping for the SAT myself.

Does anyone have any tips on how to become a paid SAT tutor? How do you find students and parents to whom you can provide your services? How much money per hour should you charge?

Thanks for your help.

Have you located the test prep companies in your area? Working for one would be a good place to start. Even though you rocked the exam, you might not know the best way to advise others. Potentially you could be a tutor throughout college, and having worked first for a test prep company would make you more valuable if you later work for yourself.

@CheddarcheeseMN Thanks for the reply! Those sound like some useful tips. I will try to check out local test prep companies.