How can I get into UCLA?

I am a Asian male who came to the country two years ago after got my resident card. Right now I am attending a public high school in LA county as a sophomore. My goal is to whether go to UCLA or USC to study pre-med or go to a 8 year program medical school. I will explain my situation and I want to know what should I do?

Last year was my first year of school in U.S., so most of my classes are ELD or SDAIE. I got mostly As except first semester bio and second semester Math Honors I got B+.

This year I have no more ELD classes although I am still in the ELD department and I got straight As, my gpa right now is 3.88, class rank 14 out of 479. This is my current schedule:

World History CP
Math 2 Honors
Chemistry Honors
P.E. 2
Chinese IV (As a native speaker, I took SAT II Chinese already and got a 780, and I signed up for the AP Exam also)
English II CP

For Chinese class, I thought it will be challenging, but when I got into the class I realized the “highest level” Chinese is just basic grammar and vocabulary. That is why I started learning Spanish after school now and I hope I can get into Spanish 2 for next year.

I got 1040 in my PSAT at the beginning of this year without any official SAT practice. I have already started doing SAT prep class(Reading and Writing) several month ago. The SAT subject test I planned to take are BiologyE/M, Chemistry and Level 2 Math. The class I am going to take next year are:

English III Honors
Math III Plus Honors
Spanish II
AP Chemistry
AP U.S. History
ASB(I got hired and my tutor said I should go)

I am also planning to self study Ap biology cause the bio teacher sucks, and I already have my asb period. Pretty sure my English is good enough (I am no longer in ELD but consider as English Proficient)

The potential schedule for my senior year is:
AP Physics 1
AP Calculus BC
AP Government/Politic
Spanish III
English IV Honors
ASB(maybe Ap psychology?)

Also, I am doing community service in a nearby hospital.

Is this schedule good enough to go to UCLA or USC? I’m not sure if I should take AP Lang since I do not want to exhaust myself and I am going to science field. I expect everyone’s advice.

You seems like a bright, charming young person, and yet I know next to nothing about UCLA admissions. I just had to share my laugh at your English being so good throughout most of your post…and then at the end saying you “expect” everyone’s advice, when I’m sure you meant “accept.” Made me laugh out loud. The best of luck to you. I hope you get lots of other responses to your post…hopefully some helpful ones. :slight_smile: (Your written English was quite fine. Don’t take this one little mistake - the kind a lot of people could make - as a big deal. )

Haha thank you for correcting my mistake, I wish you have a good luck also!

For UCLA admission what you (and anyone else) can do is to do your best (gradewise & ECwise)and hope for the best!

Thank you!

Oh, and when it’s time, be sure to apply to some true safeties. Mid-tier UC’s are no longer considered safeties for most.

Jessie’sgirl is correct: apply widely. Do not set your heart only on schools with low acceptance rates. If you’re lloking at pre-med, you’re looking at an even more competitive pool of applicants.

Assuming you want to stick with California schools (not sure about your residency) then in addition to UCLA and USC, consider UCI or UCR’s new med school, as well as the excellent bio. programs at many CSUs.

I see, thank you guys for all of the advice!

Biology is an impacted major now at most schools. You might need to be creative in how you structure your pre-med curriculum (major in something that is not impacted, minor in Bio, take some additional science courses to qualify for med school). Good luck.