How can i improve my speed on the cr?

<p>For some reason, I have only taken practice tests without time. I have gotten 690 and 710 the last two untimed tests. Yet, I feel I am going with good speed and not wasting time. I read the passage, note a few things in the margins, underline important things and go to the questions. I then read the questions and eliminate and go back if needed.<br>
Yet I panicked the first time i took a timed test and went way over the time.</p>

<p>My timing is improved and I can finish on time, yet I scarifce a little accurarcy. I no longer can make sure fully of my answers because I dont have enough time. </p>

<p>Is there any tips?</p>



<p>Stop doing #2 and #4. Each is a significant drain on limited temporal resources.</p>


<em>cough</em> are <em>cough</em> (writing section help)</p>

<p>But seriously, you can read as fast as you can read. You’re not going to find a “silver bullet” to make you read faster – it’s just patently ludicrous to think that, in the time between today and Saturday, you’ll uncover a magic strategy to read fast. </p>

<p>If you’re thinking long-term prep, just practice reading until your speed naturally rises.</p>

<p>Stop writing notes and underlining the passages. Practice reading the passage and answering the questions as they come. SKIP any question you have trouble on and go back to it. Even though I consistently get 800s on my CR practice tests (got one on the real thing too), I SKIP QUESTIONS TOO! I never let a question hinder my momentum. Save the toughies for last. </p>

<p>The only “strategy” I use on CR is for paired passages. When I read Passage 1, I answer all “Passage 1 only” questions. Then I read passage 2, and the passage 2 only, then the both questions. This helps me stay focused and keeps me from accidentally makign mistakes. </p>

<p>The CR section, in my honest opinion, is more formulaic and easier than the Math. Remember, every incorrect choice has something PHYSICAL, in front of you, to prove it wrong. Prove all the incorrect choices as wrong, and you know the correct one.</p>

<p>The best tip I can give is to NEVER get distracted. Be aware of the time, but don’t think too much about it. You have to immerse your entire mind in the passage, and try to force yourself to be interested in whatever the topic is. If a particular passage or paragraph is hard, it’s going to take a longer time to understand, no matter how fast you read. The most important thing is that you comprehend everything, that way answering the questions will take much less time.</p>

<p>Be aware of every word and make sure you know the meaning of every sentence, both in the passage and in the questions, because the nuances are important in finding the right answer.</p>

<p>As soon as you get the main idea of each paragraph, skim through the details.</p>

<p>If you finish all the questions but still make many mistakes per section, you need to skip some questions and spend more time on the rest.</p>

<p>In terms of accuracy, I’d like to echo what other people have already said: 4/5 answer choices are wrong and their reasons for being wrong are in the passage. Remember that even if one word (one adjective even) is wrong, the whole choice is wrong. If you’re stuck, the simplest answer is often the best one. The longer and more complex an answer choice is, the better chance there is that part of it is wrong.</p>