How can I improve my writing MC score????

<p>I am scoring about a 600 and I need higher to get a 2100 total score!</p>

<p>i never thought it would help to look over grammar rules. since they are so dry and boring. however i looked over them and my MC subscore improved from a 51 to a 67</p>

<p>that coupled with a 12 essay got me a 740.</p>

<p>From what source?</p>

<p>just do practice questions and you will get used to the types of questions.</p>

<p>i used grubers.</p>

<p>I disagree with Ivan_Stanchev. Doing x practice problems won’t help you improve your grammar. I used to to average around 8-9 wrong/omitted for the 35 question section, and now get 2-3 wrong after 5 or so hours of using Barrons 2400 over a week. Writing MC is easily trained, just learn the rules.</p>

<p>was barrons 2400 good for it??? or do you think spark notes etc. are just as good?</p>