How can I maximize my chances of transferring to UCB?

<p>I'm near the end of my first year and will probably end with a GPA of about 3.5 in terms of transferable credits. If I pull straight A's for the rest of my transferable credits, I'll have a transferable GPA of about 3.7-3.9 depending on which credits they take. My concern is that I'll slip in discipline and end up with a 3.4-3.5 as my final GPA, in which case I'd have to have really strong E.C.'s to still have a chance of getting in, right? With that information, can anyone give me advice or share personal experience that would help me to maximize my chances of getting into UC Berk? (I want to major in Astrophysics, and have joined the Astrophysics club at my CC, and I read about the subject in my spare time.)</p>

<p>Any and all input is appreciated, thank you.</p>

<p>You use the search function to find threads where people have already posted ways to improve their chances.</p>

<li>Get all As on all the classes you are about to take</li>
<li>Complete as many pre-req classes as you can get your hands on</li>
<li>Get help from your English instructor for your personal statement.</li>
<li>Do enough EC over your spare time but don’t kill yourself over it.</li>

<p>Try to get into Berkeley’s TAP program- quite possibly the best thing you can do.
They help you with your personal statement, go over your application, and if you get denied they will help you with the appeal process.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies everyone.</p>

<p>Discosteve, isn’t the TAP program invite only? I come from a low-income family, but I’m not a minority and both my parents have college educations, so I’m not exactly their target student.</p>

<p>Berkeley TAP is NOT invitation only. I had not been invited but I joined through the rep</p>

<p>Hmmmm, it’s worth talking to a rep and seeing if they can get you in. Depending on your financial situation it just might work. My family has a fairly good financial status but niether of my parents went to college so I got in on the basis of being a first generation college student, so it’s definitely worth the try!</p>

<p>Yah, what @kay1541 said is correct Berkeley TAP is not strictly an invite only program. I met with a representative and she registered me on the spot. Hopefully the CC you go to actually has Berkeley reps that regularly visit your campus. </p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>