How can I obtain residency for college

<p>Hello, I am seventeen years old and might possibly be going to CSUN. The thing is with all the impaction going on I would be there for more than 4 years and paying out of state for that would get pretty ridiculous. The thing is I am not wanting to obtain residency on that fact alone. I know you're not suppose to claim it just for the fact you're going to college there. The thing is I've always wanted to live in Southern California but let's be honest I cannot just move there and get a job so I've decided I could go to school over there so housing would be easier (living on campus) and then I would get a job. I am just wondering since I plan to stay in California even after school will I be able to get residency. I do not want to obtain it for the sole fact of school. I will register to vote here, once I get my car I will register it there and I will have a job. I will also live here during summer time which means I will rent an apartment in my name. (yes I know it won't be cheap but I'm working this summer and I will be working throughout the whole school year to save money for the three months of living there before school starts again.) I am just worried that if I do not start school now I won't be accepted in again. So that's why I would want to start school right away and pay the out of state but hopefully the next years I could get instate.</p>

<p><em>Again I do plan to live here during school, summer and after college.</em> Please do not give me the whole speech about me not being prepared and I need 10000 dollars at least, I get that but I'm going to have money for school federal aid and loans, with a job. Please any help will be grateful, thank you!</p>

<p>I will also stop having my mother putting me down as a dependent.</p>

<p>edit: I'm also wondering since CSUN says you cannot be a dependent on your parents tax returns....I am not on my father's only on my mother's what if I pay out of state for freshman and sophomore year. Could I possibly get instate by my junior year?</p>

<p>None of the things you listed will make you a CA resident for college. Google ‘CSUN residency’, check out the first hit which is their residence questionnaire. Read the part that says that if you’re under 19, answer the questions as your custodial parent. </p>

<p>You are a resident in the state where your parents reside, work within that reality.</p>

<p>I will not be applying for residency right away. I will be able to qualify for everything but part 8 because I have been listed as a dependent for 3 years. So I’m wondering if I manage to stay in California paying out of state for three years without my parents help (which will be how it is even if I don’t become a resident) will I be able to get instate eventually?</p>

<p>I just thought about this I will be going to California before the age of 18 since I will be seventeen when I go to California anyways. What if I emancipated myself from my parents? Could that provide me with an easier way to gain residency?</p>

<p>You typically can’t get in-state classification in a state if you begin college in that state within 12 months after moving there. And if you’re under 24, independent status is very difficult if not impossible. At the least, you’d need to not be claimed on anyone else’s return, not depend upon a source of OOS income for living expenses, AND demonstrate an in-state income sufficient for self-support. The short answer to your original question is that your parents would have to sell their home(s), quit their jobs, move to CA, establish domicile there, generate a sufficient income, and become CA taxpayers more than 12 months before you enroll in college. And unless that happens during your first year of college, you wouldn’t be eligible for in-state status as a junior.</p>

<p>Consider that in-state students get a price break in recognition of what they pay through state texas. If you aren’t a legitimate in-state taxpayer, you won’t qualify for that break.</p>

<p>Well my mother is actually planning on moving out of pennsylvania so maybe I could convince her because she said she wants to be close to where I attend college. My mother and step father are getting a divorce and she does not have any ties to the house. Also my father lives in another state.</p>

<p>edit: I know tax payers deserve the break ect. but the thing is I want to be a california resident. I will be paying taxes and I do not want residency just because of school. The only reason I do not live out there yet is because my mother would never let that happen without me being eighteen or emancipated.</p>