How can I tell if International Relations is for me?

<p>On websites, IR seems amazing. Seriously. But how is it in practice, when you're actually studying it?</p>

<p>It seems overrated to me. Everyone and their mother nowadays want to do international relations…</p>

<p>Who wouldn’t want to lead an exciting life by doing a lot of traveling and such?</p>

<p>I took an international relations class, and although lecture was very very interesting, and definitely my kind of thing, the reading was very very dry. Almost like a history book.</p>

<p>Something I noticed with political science classes at my school is that you need to be more interested in the history aspects more than the actual politics aspects. But of course, that is just me, and I have only taken 2 of the 4 introduction classes.</p>

<p>OK, thanks. Any one else?</p>

<p>there’s a lot of reading, a fair amount of theory, but it teaches you how the world works.</p>