<p>I would say that a far worse problem are professors who are difficult to understand, either because English is not their first language, or are indifferent about running good lectures, or (sometimes) both. </p>
<p>Solution: Hire more lecturers, especially for the lower-level classes. Let’s face it, you don’t really need a genius researcher to teach you Math 1A/1B. There is no ‘cutting-edge’ material in classes like that: everything within the curriculum has been known for centuries. Why not get somebody who isn’t a professor, heck, who may not even have a PhD, to teach those classes, as long as the person is a highly effective teacher? I remember sitting in those lectures and wishing instead that my high school math teacher was teaching the class. Sure, he didn’t have a PhD, but at least he know how to convey math knowledge in a way that made it fun and interesting, and, frankly, that’s a lot more than the some of the Math 1A/B profs could say. </p>
<p>Don’t get me wrong. If there are some Berkeley math professors who also happen to be good teachers and who want to teach Math 1, then by all means let them do so. But if not, then why not take a grad student or a post-doc who happens to have high teaching ratings (as evidenced by previous GSI work) and have them teach the class? Or bring in some math faculty from the local colleges, i.e. Cal State East Bay or SF State on a visiting/adjunct basis? Or hire some math lecturers onto the faculty whose job is solely dedicated to good teaching and has no research responsibilities? After all, there are plenty of newly minted math PhDs in the country who can’t find assistant professor positions, and I’m sure that some of them would rather take a job at a school like Berkeley, even if just for a teaching role, rather than leave academia entirely. Hence, you can surely hire some who have good teaching skills.</p>
<p>The same could be said for most other intro course sequences, i.e. Physics 7/8, Chem 1/3/4, Bio 1, EE 40, etc. For any of these courses, students don’t really need a top researcher, but rather, a good teacher. </p>
<p>Lest anybody consider this to be an outrageous idea, I would point out that the CS department already does this for much of the intro 61 sequence. That sequence is usually taught by lecturers such as Brian Harvey, Dan Garcia, and Mike Clancy, who are, frankly, better teachers than some of the actual CS professors. If the CS department can do that, I don’t see why the other departments can’t do the same.</p>