I currently have a 33. E: 30 M: 34 R: 35 S: 31.
I just took it again. Really it was only for two schools Carnegie Mellon and UW Seattle. At Carnegie Mellon I am trying to get into their school of computer science which has a 35 as both its 25th and 75th percentile. At UW Seattle I am trying to get direct admissions into the Computer Science program. I really don’t know what the admissions criteria/statistics are for it but it is a VERY small amount of students that get it. I have heard them mention that you need a score of 30+ and one time they threw out 34.
Although those are the schools I most care about I would rather get answers for schools in general. I do know that UW super scores while CMU does not.
I just took the test again.
I expect that my English score will be higher, Math about the same. Science and Reading will likely drop (although reading by a significantly larger factor).
This has made me really wonder how super scoring works. I know they take the highest from each section, but do some schools look at your lower ones and maybe bring into question your previous score? If I am honest I know that my 35 in reading was 70% luck, it should not have been that good. If I get a significantly lower score, or like a 31, on it this time will they wonder if my 35 was legitimate? How can I tell if the people that can influence my decision see all of my scores or just the highest ones?
Also what about schools that do not super score? Let’s say I got my english and math scores to a 35 but my reading and science dropped my superscore down to 31. Is that a score I should send to Carnegie Mellon?