<p>Isn't it like 20-25% Asian? So... how come? Is there a huge Asian population in Texas...?</p>
<p>There’s a greater deal of asians in all highly selective colleges, like Stanford.
This is because Asians are an ORM (over-represented minority). They represent 20% of the Rice population but only represent 5ish% of the whole US population. Asians are usually more qualified to enter selective colleges just based on how well they do on standardized tests and other factors.
There isn’t necessarily a large asian population in Texas, it’s just based on this fact. </p>
<p>In fact, it is actually a disadvantage to be asian when applying for college.</p>
<p>yes theirs an extensively LARGE asian population in TX especially in Houston, Dallas, and Austin!</p>
<p>I don’t think it’s because it’s Texas. More or less what Shazheng said.
Duke: 23% Asian/Pacific Islander
Harvard sits around 20 percent.
Johns Hopkins is like 26 percent…</p>
<p>Berkeley can get close to 45%. For that school it may be related to the number of Asians in California.</p>
<p>There is a high school in San Diego (Mission San Diego?) that has 75% asian.</p>
<p>It’s not unusual for elite institutions to have high numbers of Asians. There are several articles that describe Asians as the “New Jews” — the overachieving minority. This is a pretty solid article, written from a Jewish perspective:
[Jews</a> in Second Place - By Nicholas Lemann - Slate Magazine](<a href=“http://www.slate.com/id/2378/]Jews”>Jews in Second Place)</p>
<p>Is that a problem for you?</p>
<p>No, it’s not a problem. I asked out of curiosity.</p>
<p>As an Asian now, it’s a pain getting into university. </p>
<p>And I’m one of those “English-Socials” Asians not a “Math-Science” Asian. </p>
<p>So I’m a minority within a minority. The shame…</p>
<p>There percentage of Asians/Pacific Islanders at Rice is about par for comparable institutions. Look under enrollment at [this</a> link](<a href=“College Navigator - Compare Institutions”>College Navigator - Compare Institutions), and [this</a> link](<a href=“College Navigator - Compare Institutions”>College Navigator - Compare Institutions).</p>
<p>UC Berkeley 42%
Stanford 24%
Rice 19%
Duke 19%
Cornell 16%
Northwestern 16%
USC 22%
Pomona 14%</p>
<p>And there ARE a lot asians in texas. I know that the largest congregates of Chinese-Americians are in the states
- California
- New York
- Texas</p>
<p>and anhtimmy, you said “There is a high school in San Diego (Mission San Diego?) that has 75% asian. be glad you don’t go there lol”</p>
<p>How incredibly rude. You joke, but that shows that you don’t even realize you are being racist.</p>
<p>Rice is a diverse place, it has many races and ethnicities. Since Asians tend to overrepresent in all of these selective colleges, it is very natural, nothing strange pops out at me from the stats.</p>
<p>The name says all. Education is the staple of our diet.</p>
<p>Brilliant, hard-working students at a great university with outstanding science programs = the answer to the OP’s question “How come there are so many Asians at Rice?”</p>
<p>FYI, I’m asian and proud of it. Also, how is that racist? Do you even know why I mentioned Mission San Diego?</p>
<p>it’s Mission San Jose. i go there lol.</p>
<p>I don’t think the poster of the comment about the high school was insulting Asians, they were simply saying that in such a school, it would be very competitive and you’d get an erroneously low class rank. If anything, it came off as a compliment. </p>
<p>But yeah, Asians are very driven, generally, and also practical, which is why they seek out universities over LACs. Look at the top schools like Williams and Amherst. 11% and 10%, respectively. Still high, but not nearly as high as the universities.</p>
<p>Because all Asians like rice :D</p>
<p>“I don’t think the poster of the comment about the high school was insulting Asians, they were simply saying that in such a school, it would be very competitive and you’d get an erroneously low class rank.”</p>
<p>It may still qualify as “racist”, but I was going to post something similar. At least in the Bay Area, those demographics suggest a pretty competitive and intense academic environment. Is that good or bad or even true? I don’t know, but it turns up in the newspaper from time to time.</p>
<p>haha meadow</p>
<p>and to everyone else on this post…
your right, the OP was being completly racist. the stereotype of the typical asian who only cares about their grades in high school is completely fiction. </p>
<p>no one wants to attend a university with kids who just study. whether there asian, black, latino, or white. at my high school, their are parents of students who go in complaining the school is to easy, try to get homework assigned over the summer, and make their kids take SAT prep calsses in 7th grade. these parents are “asian”. i know i can find thousands of horror asian parent stories. of course not every asian is like this, but to say the OP is being racist by worrying these kids will follow them into college is ridiculous.</p>
<p>with that said, my friend told me that (and i get this vibe too) rice has all the “cool asians” …suck on that Berkley</p>
<p>The stereotype isn’t 100 percent true, but it’s more likely that a family who moved across the world to the U.S. would be very ambitious and want to make the most out of the move. Just my opinion. There’s smart people of all races.</p>