How common is theft in college?

<p>i am scared of getting a nice desktop computer in college because of the fear that my roommate will just take it or someone else will.</p>

<p>A desktop is quite a big thing for someone to try to steal. They would have to carry it away without people noticing and remembering later, they’d have to have somewhere to put it where people wouldn’t notice its sudden appearance, etc. Mostly the expensive things that get stolen are small things- laptops, ipods, cameras, money, that can be more easily hidden.</p>

<p>If you are worried, you can get all kinds of locks that will secure your computer to your desk, and you can have it marked or engraved with your details.</p>

<p>The only time I’ve ever heard of a desktop being stolen is when someone took my friend’s roommate’s computer as collateral for a drug debt. It’s not the kind of thing that someone just up and carries out randomly.</p>

<p>i am more scared that my roommate will leave my room unlocked and someone else will come in and steal it. AHH!</p>

<p>VERY common. I steal every item that I have the chance to. Just the other day I stole someone’s bed. And last week, I stole someone’s nightstand. All I need now is a lamp. Hmmm… There’s always next semester I suppose! My dorm is looking pretty stylin’.</p>

<p>Desktops are not commonly stolen. However, theft in general is VERY common. You are right, sometimes roommates do leave the door unlocked and things get stolen, although a desktop computer would be hard to steal. Don’t take mp3 players and such to school (esp. to places like the dorms or the rec). They WILL get stolen. I can’t tell how many times I read about this stuff in the police blotter.</p>



<p>i am getting about a 2.5k computer. do you think i should downgrade?</p>

<p>No man, upgrade. You need at least a totally tricked out Falcon Northwest Mach V. Anything less and nobody would want to steal it. You have to make a statement with your computer - that you ain’t afraid of no one.</p>

<p>lol seriously come on guys. the comments are funny but i need some real info here</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry too much about that desktop. It’s unwield and hard to remove, which make it less of a target. Pretend you are a thief, when you enter a dorm, are you gonna spend precious minutes rooting around someone’s desk, unplugging cables and stuff and lug all that desktop stuff out? Or are you going to go with something more portable and easily stolen like your roommate’s laptop, or someone’s iPod, etc. As long as there is something there to act as bait, you are golden.</p>

<p>We stole the common room couch for a while last year. Then the RA found out and threatened to charge us.</p>

<p>the prevalence of theft is going to depend highly on campus. It can be quite common or virtually nonexistent. But i would really not worry much about a desktop. you can always lock it to your desk if you wanted.</p>

<p>Desktops stolen from people’s rooms are unheard of…
I agree with rightnotleft. Just buy a desktop lock for your desk and put your mind at ease.</p>

<p>i left my phone in a lecture hall after a test (actually my first test in colege) and came back 5 minutes later and it was gone and calls went unanswered. somebody made an easy $100. kinda <strong><em>ed me off that some </em></strong>* would take it</p>

<p>^Did you ask your professor about it? Or the professor in the lecture after? Sometimes people pick them up and give them to the professor. I know if I saw someone left a cell phone and they weren’t around that I would definitely pick it up and turn it in. I wouldn’t leave it there for someone to actually steal it.</p>

<p>We had like 6 laptops stolen in the last few weeks before the finals from our library. Serious!
If you don’t take care of stuff they usually tend to sprout legs and walk off on their own :)</p>