How competitive is Karsh STEM Scholars Program?

@PBHOU03 Thanks for your insight and very reassuring details!

My daughter didn’t receive a decision/status email today about the Karsh STEM Scholars Program. Unlike her Type A mom, she’s cool as cucumber. LOL Both of us are standing on our faith, though. She emailed the office who said decisions are coming in “Early March.” The agony continues. :slight_smile:

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How many kids get selected as semifinalists and finalists? Also what is a good score to aim for on the math placement test?

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In 2020, about 140 students were chosen as Karsh STEM Semifinalists and initially 40 were chosen to be Karsh STEM Scholars (some students did not accept and others were selected off of a waitlist, with 34 students ending up as members of cohort 4).

The minimum score that my kids wanted on the ALEKS Math Placement Test was a 76, because that is the score that tests into the highest initial math placement (Calculus I). There have been students selected as Karsh STEM scholars in the past who did not test into the highest initial placement. My 2 scholars received scores in the high 80’s low 90’s range on the placement test.


What types of events do they host on the 2-day selection program day? Are the interviews held on that same day as well? Since almost everything was virtual in 2020, how was it done back then?

You should receive an itinerary for selection weekend soon. I don’t know if last year is a good example of what your virtual selection weekend will look like because the KSSP team ended up switching selection weekend to a virtual selection weekend with only 2 weeks notice and the virtual selection weekend was sparse in comparison to what my older kid went through. They put up some introduction videos by the Provost, Director of KSSP, and some of the student scholars on YouTube. The 2020 semifinalists took the Math placement test and ended up going through the interviews the next day and that was pretty much it.

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Are interviews typically held on the second day of the selection program then?