How competitive is the College of Communications?

The title pretty much explains all. Is this college much harder to get into than A&S? I have a 4.0 unweighted and got an 1850 on the SAT, but I just want to be safe.</p>



<p>Newhouse at Syracuse is considered very competitive. Your stats make you look like a good candidate, though. Best of luck.</p>

<p>Alas, a response! Thanks! :D</p>

<p>It’s very very competitive. I think the last list I read had it third in the country or something.
The only tidbit I can offer you is this.
When I went for my spring transfer interview, they said they had maybe one spot available for a spring transfer, and even that was iffy… and that they only admit around 15-20 in fall.
I’m guessing you’re probably not a transfer, but the selectivity is obviously rather high by that standard.</p>

<p>Oh, wow. I see your point.</p>

<p>Listen. Honestly, grades may get you through round 1 of the admission process but round 2 is all based on personality, what you have done and whether they like you and feel you will be a good fit for Newhouse as a whole. I strongly recommend bumping up your SAT score a 100 points more or so. That way you’re an even stronger applicant. Work on delivery and make sure you have the extra-curricular to back up your interest. Your essay speaks just as loud as your grades & EC so don’t slack in that part of the application. Newhouse @ Syracuse is one of the best communication school in the entire country so they will have the luxury to be picky. It’s up to you to give them a genuine reason to pick you! Does that help?</p>

<p>Agreed with House of London.
I went for an admissions interview and really hit it off with my counselor. She gave me a couple contacts and I went to about 3 more “informational interviews” with people in Newhouse. I certainly think my interview helped a ton… I pushed why I liked communications so much, why newhouse was so great, etc etc.
If you can, I would certainly suggest an interview.
Look on websites for basic questions asked, and PRACTICE responses. Trust me, I used to try winging it, and it was just not pretty. :stuck_out_tongue:
Other than that, make sure you stress why Newhouse is important, and why you feel you would fit in. Try to give specific examples if at all possible.</p>

<p>You guys are extremely helpful! </p>

<p>I’m done test-taking, but I do have a few extracurriculars that I hope express my personality (editor-in-chief of school newspaper, literary magazine, Key Club, President of E.R.A.S.E, Spanish Honor Society, Sergeant at Arms of NHS, Treasurer of Mu Alpha Theta, Secretary of Quill and Scroll, member of library’s Teen Advisory Board, delegate for Creative Writing Workshop, private tutor, etc). I’ve won a few writing awards too… </p>

<p>Do I request an interview…or will they call me?</p>


<p>Both. They might call/email you but in the event that they don’t then you can always inquire one.</p>

<p>Fantastic. Thank you very much! =)</p>