How competitive is the honors program?

<p>I was invited to apply to Virginia Tech Honors Program. How competitive is the application process? </p>

<p>If it matters, I have a 4.64 W GPA and 2230 SATs.</p>

<p>Yeah, does anyone have stats on people who got admitted?</p>

<p>I received an e-mail from Tech a little over a week ago saying that I was one of the top 35 of all applicants this year. My stats:</p>

<p>SAT Math-780
SAT Reading- 770
SAT Writing- 680</p>

<p>GPA W-4.4025
AP: World History- 5 US History- 5 English Lang-5 Comp Sci A- 5 Calculus AB-5 Calculus BC-4</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>

<p>not very competitive. I wrote a opening statement somewhere along the lines of “I not only think about the present, but I also live in the future, and remember the past. I am omnipresent.” And I still got in.</p>