How competitive is transferring into VT's engineering program from another school?

So in High School I applied to VT’s engineering program but I got wait listed and then denied. So now, as a student at George Mason University, I’m looking to apply as a transfer student into their engineering program (for Computer Science). Given my GPA, how competitive is it to transfer into their engineering program? I am taking all of VT’s required courses for transferring and I have a GPA (unweighted) of 3.7.

If you are taking all of the necessary courses and getting Bs and better its a done deal.

Really? That’s seems a bit easier than expected. Are you saying this out of experience (not that I don’t trust you, it’s just that that seems a bit low) ?

Pritster5, you should review this website It states, “Admission is offered on a competitive basis to transfer applicants as long as space is available in their intended major. Transfer applications are reviewed based on the intended major.” Engineering is very competitive.

based on what the website says, so long as they have space and you have all the classes, its a done deal. there is always space as everyone that starts in engineering doesn’t stay in engineering. also, i read on the site that they bring in over a 1000 transfer students each year, and 20% of each graduating class started out as a transfer.

I applied for transfer and was accepted into VT engineering during my freshman year at another college with a 3.7 GPA after the fall semester and having a course load that exactly matched the courses taken by VT freshman. In addition to GPA, I think it is important you provide a good explanation of why you want to transfer when responding to the one essay that is required of transfers. Keep in mind, that you are not transferring directly into CS but into general engineering. You will still have to maintain above a 3.0 GPA after your first semester at VT to be admitted into CS.

what was your gpa in highschool

@ rjldm Thank you so much for the info. I would also like to ask, does VT automatically deny your application if you do not have some of the minimum requirements?

VT’s school of Engineering requires a full year of Calculus, a semester of Chemistry and 1 full year of English composition in order to transfer. HOWEVER, I, by the time I finish my freshman year at GMU, will have completed only 1 semester (as opposed to a whole year) of Calculus with all other requirements having been completed.

Will this impede me from getting accepted? Let’s also assume hypothetically that I had a 3.6 GPA at the end of my Freshman Year at GMU.

I think that admissions places an emphasis on you being able to transfer into the program without having to make up too many classes that their current freshmen have completed. If you are willing, I suggest you state in your essay that you will be taking a VT equivalent calculus class in the summer prior to you starting at VT. Alternatively, you could take the class at VT during the summer session. Hopefully, the one semester calculus you did take resulted in an A or B. An overall 3.6 GPA should be very competitive. Good Luck!

Thanks so much for the info!